
Come & Tell City Council Where To Go!

By Contributor
September 6th, 2015

With the first year of our new Rossland City Council quickly coming to a close, Council is entering into a three-year strategic planning session. Our goal is to identify our list of priorities for 2016-2018 that will help us be a viable, well-governed and well-managed city, which is Council’s strategic goal for the next three years. These priorities will be developed into a strategy and ultimately into a workplan and budget.

Before we make those decisions, we want your input. We want to hear your priorities for Rossland over the next three years. We are looking for ideas, from tiny ones to game-changers, to help us achieve our strategic goal. We will be collecting all of your input over the next month to bring it in collectively as the  “8th councillor in the room”,  to be considered and discussed in our planning.

Yoiu can write your ideas down on paper, in as much or as little detail as needed, to make sure your  thoughts are included in this process.  While we can’t guarantee all ideas will make it through the process intact, we will guarantee that everyone has an opportunity to participate in the process.  Please include:


Your Idea:

Why this idea is important:

Who this will affect (positively or negatively):

How much do you think this might cost (estimate)?

What else should we know about this idea?

Can we get in touch with you for more details? If so what is the best way to get in touch?

You’re Invited!

You are invited to a public meeting on September 17th  to review the progress your City Council has made on the priorities we set:  We heard you, we set goals, come hear our progress so far!

THEN — tell us where you’d like to see Rossland go next!

WhatA walk-through workshop to review Council’s 2015/16 priorities and progress and to influence Council’s plans for the next 3 years. Come when you like, go at your own pace, and provide your thoughts. You can also talk one-on-one with a Councillor and listen to a short presentation at 7:00 p.m.

When:   September 17thfrom 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Drop-in any time to view the displays and give your ideas. The presentation from Council will be at 7:00 p.m.

Where:   Miners Hall

Who:   Everyone is invited! There will be beverages available and free pizza snacks after 7:00 p.m.

Bring:  Your ideas for Rossland in the next 3 years.

If you want to prepare in advance, write down your thoughts and bring them with you to the workshop. If you can’t make it to the workshop, you can fill out an input sheet and drop it off at City Hall or email it to mayor@rossland.ca.

In addition, Council has prepared a document that identifies its short-term (2015/16 priorities) and potential long-term (2016-2018) issues. If you wish to review this document in advance, it will be posted on the City of Rossland website www.rossland.ca  and hard copies will be available at City Hall on September 10, 2015.

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