
Rossland Rec: It's Summer!

Rossland Recreation
By Rossland Recreation
May 28th, 2015

Summer Recreation Brochure is out! 

The Summer Brochure is available online at  www.rossland.ca,  Recreation Program Guide, and in hardcopy at the REC Department, Public Library, RSS and the Credit Union.   The Rossland Pool opens on Monday, June 8 with a BBQ from 4:00-6:30pm.  If you’d like to contact the Pool, please call them at 250-362-5455 or email at rosslandpoolmanager@gmail.com


Rossland Museum & Discover Centre Camps!  250-362-7722

Our Summer Brochure had an incorrect phone number for the Museum & Discover Centre – please call them at 250-362-7722 to register for their summer camps. 


Babysitters Course with Selkirk College

Is your child interested in earning some extra money through babysitting?  This course is open to youth ages 11 to 14 years and will teach general first aid, basic child care, what to do in an emergency, crafts, games and more.  Please bring a lunch and a water bottle for this eight hour course.  Course is being offered through Selkirk  College, in Rossland at the Arena Lounge.   Please contact Selkirk College to register, at 250-364-5770  DATES:  June 13, 2015;  TIMES:  Saturday, 8:30-5:00pm;  LOCATION:  Rossland Arena Lounge;  AGES:        11+;  FEES:   $70.00;  REGISTRATION:  Please contact Selkirk College at 250-364-5770


Rossland Stingrays Swim Club

The Stingrays will be conducting a complete training and competition season at the Rossland Pool this Summer!  Children who  swim competitively enjoy becoming strong swimmers which improves physical and mental fitness.  Swimming is a great cross training sport and joining a club helps children to learn the value of being a team member.  The best part though, is how much fun they have!  Registration is $300.00 for the season and includes 1 hour of swim coaching, four nights per week in the Rossland Pool, dry land training in Trail, all Warfield swim training sessions and all the swim competition entry fees.  Check out the website, at www.trailstingrays.ca


Pool Connector Camps

Many of the Camps that are offered through the summer are “Pool Connector Camps” that start at 11:00am when the Pool Camps finish.  This allows you to put two programs together, to create a full day of childcare & activities.  The Daycares, Museum & Discovery Centre and the Recreation Department all have programs that start at 11:00am and    connect with the Pool Camps.  Please look for this symbol throughout the Brochure, for Camps that connect to the Pool’s activities. 


Upcoming events at the Rossland Museum and Discovery Centre:

After School Kids Club: Tues. & Wed.  From 3:00-5:00, May & June.  Supervised crafts, games and activities for 6-12 year olds.  We have many resources for kids interested in geology, history, mining, sports, science and so much more.  Only $5.


Family Fun Day:  May 30th from 10:00-2:00.   Join us for carnival games, face painting, gold panning and fun!  From 1:00-2:00 try your hand at our Flying Steamshovel Challenge (kids 6-12).  Let’s create flying objects and see how far we can make them fly off our balcony.  From 2:00-3:30 Kids Movie and Popcorn in our theatre (seats 32).  Entry is by donation. $5 for 10 games/crafts or activities of your choice.  Prizes to be won.


WTWTA (Where the Wild Things Are): Tues. evenings from5:00-7:00, July & August. This weekly event will feature a guest speaker who will engage 6-12 year olds with hands on activities based in science and nature.  Followed by an acoustic musical act/jam session around our new fire pit.  Feel free to use our BBQ or bring your own roasting sticks and hot dogs for the fire.  All ages welcome.


Canada Day Celebrations at the RMDC:  Canada Day Hike up Mt. Roberts — meet in the Museum  parking lot at 9:00 a.m.July 1.   Festivities from 12:00, with  music, cake, BBQ,  crafts and more, until 5:00.


Birthday Parties at the Museum:  Hours12:00pm-2:00pm and 3:00pm-5:00pm.  Museum staff are more than happy to accommodate any ideas, budgets or variations you might have.  We offer a 40 minute museum tour (inside/outside), plus use of our facilities including our covered gazebo, gold panning area, train caboose, tea room, theatre, large lawn, and barbecue for $100.  For an additional $50 staff will also organize games and activities and lead your party (up to 1.5 hours).


Rossland Youth Action Network

Check out the new Youth Space at 2076 Columbia – 2 doors West from the Post Office!

Coordinator, Mike Kent has lots of great programs and opportunities to roll out this year and the excitement is just starting!  If you are a Youth between the ages of 12 and 18 or you have a Youth in that age bracket, please check out the website at www.rosslandyan.ca  or “like” them on Facebook at, www.facebook.com/RosslandYAN.  The Youth Action Network guarantees that teenagers in Rossland have “something to do”!  


Art Drop in night on Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm

Starting March 2nd, we will be offering an art drop in night at our new space next door to RHC Insurance down town.  There will be no instruction, just a space to be creative with other youth artists.  We will have guest artists present to lend support.  Guest Artists:  March 2 & 9 – painter Stephanie Gauvin March 16 & 23 – air brush artist Colin Taylor.   Other guest artists to be announced!


Youth Action Network Grants

The Youth Action Network will provide grants to youth 12-18 years old to assist them in personal development.  These grants can be used to pay or help pay for certifications required for employment or personal development opportunities.  You can apply for up to $200 in the calendar year (January 1-December 31, 2015). The Grant Selection Committee may ask you to support your application with more details.

Applications are now being accepted at http://goo.gl/forms/VG5yKfQcNN. There is a limited amount of grant money available.  Applications will be processed as they are received until the grant fund is expended.


The Rossland Makerlab

Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm in the new Youth Space at 2076 Columbia!  Come to this FREE drop in to get support in learning 3D modelling, printing and all things technology based.  Knowledgeable mentors are on hand to answer your questions and help you get you going.  Please bring a laptop if you can.


Parkour & Freerunningat the RSS Auditorium $5 Drop In

Tuesdays 6:30-8:00pm – Pure Parkour for ages 8yrs and up.  Thursdays 6:30-8:00pm – Parkour & Freerunning.  (The Thursday Parkour is now only for teens – guaranteed – no one younger!  For this advanced session you must be invited by an instructor.  Parkour, the “Art of Movement”.  Involvement in Parkour requires consistent, disciplined training with an emphasis on functional strength, physical conditioning, balance, creativity, fluidity, control, precision, spatial awareness, and looking beyond the traditional use of objects.


KMBC Bike Programs!

Interested in Mountain Biking programs for yourself or the kids?  Check out www.kootenaymountainbiking.comfor courses and camps.  Coming in June…….”School’s Out for Summer” Bike Camp, running June 23, 24, 25, from 10:00am to 1:00pm each day for riders ages 11 to 15 years.  This is a Co-Ed Intermediate Bike Camp with Coaching, Shuttles, Skills Park and great fun!  Price is $109.00 plus tax. 


Rossland Pool Bronze Aquatic Courses

Bronze Star

Bronze Star participants develop problem-solving and decision-making skills as individuals and in partners.  Candidates develop water smart confidence and learn basic lifesaving and resuscitation skills needed to be their own personal lifeguard.  Includes a 400 meter timed swim.  Prerequisite:  Recommended age-12 years.  DATES:  July 2-4, 2015

TIMES:  10:30-3:00pm; FEES:  $80.00; CLASS SIZE:  Minimum 6 / Maximum 12


Bronze Medallion & Cross Lifesaving Camp – Required courses for Aquatics employment

This lifesaving camp combines the Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross Courses into one action packed program.


Bronze Medallionteaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue   education:  judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness.  Rescuers learn advanced lifesaving techniques for challenging rescues of increased risk, involving conscious and unconscious victims in varying water depths.  Participants develop stroke efficiency and endurance in timed swims (500 meters).  Includes CPR-A.


Bronze Crossis designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training, including an introduction to safety supervision.  Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for all advanced training programs, including National Lifeguard (NL) and Instructor certifications.  Includes a 600 meter timed swim and CPR-C.  Candidates develop proficiency at performing patient assessments, managing aquatic spinal injuries and preventing the loss of life in a variety of aquatic emergencies, while developing stroke endurance and fitness training skills.  Bronze Cross includes the CPR-C certification and is one of the pre-requisite awards for all advanced Lifeguarding and Leadership training programs.  Bronze Cross is also worth 2 Grade 11 High School Credits. 


Pre-Requisite:  Must be 13 years old by the last day of the course if candidate does not have Bronze Star. 

DATES:  July 6-10, 2015 (Monday – Saturday);  TIMES:  Medallion or Cross Candidates:  9:00-1:00pm;  Combo Candidates:  9:00-2:00pm;  FEES:  Bronze Medallion:  $185.00;  Bronze Cross:  $150.00; Combo Camp:  $300.00


Recreation Programs Around Town! 


Sacred Sound DanceZEN

Love to dance?  DanceZEN is a self-directed dance class where we discuss dancing at its most primal level by using trance like music to reach a higher level of consciousness.  From first Nations to aboriginals around the world, dancing has been used to connect body, mind and soul and allow us to find our inner voice.  Come with a clear head, open heart and open mind.  Check out local DJ’s talent’s while dancing with love and intention.  All dance levels are invited to take part in this sacred dance experience.  There will be a cool down and time for reflection at the end of each class.   Dance like nobody is watching!   DATES:  April 22-June 9, 2015;  TIMES: Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00pm;  LOCATION: Miners Hall;  DROP IN FEES:    $9.00   


Karate for Kids – 1st class is free if you want to check it out! 

Karate is an ongoing program in Rossland. The Rossland Chito-Ryu Karate Dojo is welcoming new students and any old Shotokan members to come and train with our Registered/Certified Karate Program.  This program is registered with  KarateBC,  Registered/Certified Black Belt Instruction, NCCP Certified Coaches.   Participating in the Karate classes requires an annual membership payment to Karate BC ($55.00) and BC Chito-kai membership payment, ($12.00).  If you register with a friend at the same time—you get one month training for free!  DATES:  Spring Semester:  April 2 – June 18, 2015;  TIMES:  Tuesdays, & Thursdays, 3:30-5:00pm;  LOCATION:  Miners Hall;  FEES:      $250.00 per semester, $100.00 per month;  AGES:  7-14 years; INSTRUCTOR:  Scott Hutcheson


Rossland Public Library

The Library has lots of great programs and events running in the next few days, weeks and months!   On Fridays at 11:00am the Books and Babies songs and story time happens for little ones 0 to 30 months.   Every Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm there is something  going on in the Library for school aged kids.  The Page Turners program is for kids 8-11 years old, the second Thursday of each month from 3:00-4:00pm.  The Board Games Club for kids 6-12 years runs the fourth Thursday of each month from 3:00-4:00pm





Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail

Local Rosslander, Tara Howes is hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, by herself!  The epic trail from the border of Mexico to

Manning Park is a challenging hike that will take approximately three months.  Follow Tara on her journey,

at www.activewomen.ca


Monashee Institute Courses

June Courses
Friday June 19 – Mushroom Identification day, and evening talk
“The Unseen World Beneath Your Feet” with BC’s mushroom expert Dr. Shannon Berch.

Saturday and Sunday, June 20 and 21 – Ecosystems of the Monashees, with ecologist Craig DeLong.


Mushroom Identification only– Friday, June 19  – $70.00
Ecosystems of the Monashees only – Saturday and Sunday, June 20 and 21 – $100.00
The full three-day package – Friday – Saturday – $140.00.

Friday night Mushroom talk – open to public. Location TBA – $10.


July 3-5

Permaculture: The Theory and Practice of Abundance

Curious about how to connect your life and livelihood to the forces of nature? Want to think like nature and

redesign the way you live? Andrew Bennett, urban farmer and dedicated explore has answers! Single day or

whole weekend packages.

Day 1: Water – Waterworks, Earthworks
Day 2: Fire – Food Forests, Livestock
Day 3: Nature – Energy, Shelter, Design

Individual full course $450.00
Sign up friend(s) for full course – $60.00 rebate each person
Individual days – $150.00 (no rebate)


October 9-12
Smaller Greener Home Design

Terry Miller has assembled a team of green home experts from designers to builders.

Start with an idea, gather key information, see it in practice and leave with a blueprint! Full course and

couples rates available.  Registration details online.



Categories: Education