
West Kootenay EcoSociety sees EAO decision as step to Jumbo Valley staying wild forever

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
April 29th, 2015

Supporters to “Keep Jumbo Wild” are lining up to applaud the recent BC Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) decision that said the builder of the ski hill in the heart of the Jumbo Glacier was not compliant with the condition of its certificate.

“We’re happy to see another nail go into the coffin of this dangerous and unwanted project,” David Reid of the West Kootenay EcoSociety said in a prepared statement.

“The Province needs to hold this project to a high standard and make sure that the developer doesn’t cut corners that could endanger human lives or the environment.”

In a letter dated April 24, Manager of Compliance, Autumn Cousins for the EAO told Oberto Oberti of Glacier Resorts Ltd to halt construction on two buildings until new safety conditions can be met in the event of an avalanche.

Cousins said GRL must cease construction of structures in the Day Lodge Location and Service Building Location in order to minimize the extent of the non-compliances.

Reid said an independent analysis of avalanche risk found that the two floating subfloors constructed in October 2014 are partially or entirely within areas with medium to high risk of avalanche.

He said the Environmental Certificate has been a matter of intense scrutiny as opponents of the project have noted the lack of compliance with measures required to protect endangered species, ensure adequate water supply, and protect Jumbo and Toby creeks, among other issues.

The Environmental Assessment Office had previously issued a letter of non-compliance just days before the proponent poured several tons of concrete in the wilderness valley.

Reid said that although GRL says the risks can be mitigated, the environmental certificate states that all building must be outside of the hazard area and does not address mitigation.

The EAO’s compliance letter suggests that the proponent can apply for an amendment to the certificate to allow buildings in the hazard area with appropriate mitigation. 

“We’re increasingly confident that the project’s compliance problems and failure to start on time mean that we can look forward to the Jumbo Valley staying wild forever,” Reid said.

Reid said the avalanche risk is only one of several obstacles facing the proposed ski resort.

According to a study commissioned by the Ktunaxa Nation, the project accomplished only .5% of its work for Phase I prior to the deadline for the project to substantially start.

“If the Minister of Environment determines that the work to date is not “substantial,” the developer would have to undergo a new environmental assessment process,” Reid explained.

In addition, the West Kootenay EcoSociety and Ktunaxa Nation have legal action pending in BC courts that will be heard in the next two months. 

The court challenge by the West Kootenay EcoSociety — to challenge the provincial government’s 2012 decision to establish the Jumbo Glacier Resort (JGR) Municipality — was adjoured after the EcoSociety received an amended response and new evidence from lawyers for the municipality at the eleventh hour.

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