
More Action and Learning with Rossland Rec

By Contributor
April 16th, 2015

The Week in REC!  


Standard First Aid with CPR-C   Rossland Arena Lounge,  April 25 & 26, 2015

Designed to give serious training for regular citizens and professionals who encounter emergency situations.  This course provides comprehensive First Aid & CPR techniques for those who want more knowledge to respond to emergencies in the home or workplace.  Practice a variety of topics from basic first aid such as cardiovascular and breathing emergencies, CPR, prevention of disease transmission to more severe sudden medical conditions and injuries to the head and spine.  Learn the use of an automated external defibrillator.  To register, call Selkirk College, at 250-364-5770. 


Rossland Pool Bronze Aquatic Courses

Bronze Star

Bronze Star participants develop problem-solving and decision-making skills as individuals and in partners.  Candidates develop water smart confidence and learn basic lifesaving and resuscitation skills needed to be their own personal lifeguard.  Includes a 400 meter timed swim.  Prerequisite:  Recommended age-12 years.  DATES:  July 2-4, 2015

TIMES:  10:30-3:00pm; FEES:  $80.00; CLASS SIZE:  Minimum 6 / Maximum 12


Bronze Medallion & Cross Lifesaving Camp – Required courses for Aquatics employment

This lifesaving camp combines the Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross Courses into one action packed program.


Bronze Medallionteaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue   education:  judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness.  Rescuers learn advanced lifesaving techniques for challenging rescues of increased risk, involving conscious and unconscious victims in varying water depths.  Participants develop stroke efficiency and endurance in timed swims (500 meters).  Includes CPR-A.


Bronze Crossis designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training, including an introduction to safety supervision.  Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for all advanced training programs, including National Lifeguard (NL) and Instructor certifications.  Includes a 600 meter timed swim and CPR-C.  Candidates develop proficiency at performing patient assessments, managing aquatic spinal injuries and preventing the loss of life in a variety of aquatic emergencies, while developing stroke endurance and fitness training skills.  Bronze Cross includes the CPR-C certification and is one of the pre-requisite awards for all advanced Lifeguarding and Leadership training programs.  Bronze Cross is also worth 2 Grade 11 High School Credits. 


Pre-Requisite:  Must be 13 years old by the last day of the course if candidate does not have Bronze Star. 

DATES:  July 6-11, 2015 (Monday – Saturday);  TIMES:  Medallion or Cross Candidates:  9:00-1:00pm;  Combo Candidates:  9:00-2:00pm;  FEES:  Bronze Medallion:  $185.00;  Bronze Cross:  $150.00; Combo Camp:  $300.00


Joe Hill Coffee House – Sunday, April 19

Kootenay Men’s Choir comes to the Mountain Kingdom! 

Joe Hill Coffee House, Rossland’s community venue for talent from near and far, invites you to hear another fine set of performers on Sunday April 19.  We are pleased to present:  The Wind River Quartet – melodic flutes, a Joe Hill debut;  The Kootenay Men’s Choir – traditional harmonies, twenty voices strong, a perennial favorite group from Castlegar;  Sharon Lindgren – her Joe Hill debut;  Kootenay Dance Works – poetry in motion;  Kiana Tingley – great guitar and voice, a rising young star;  Dave Scanlan – the voice of experience, fine picking, fine songs.  Excellent venue, friendly scene, soft seats, goodies, coffee and tea, and only $3 – kids and students free.  The best deal anywhere! 

It’s on Sunday, April 19, in the Rossland Miners Hall, 1765 Columbia Avenue in Rossland.  Doors open at 6:00 PM, show starts at 7:00.  See you there!  Performers young, old, new or experienced, solo or together, Joe Hill Coffee House is a place to try out your style in public for the first time, or to relax and perform for the best audience in the Kootenays.  There are no auditions.  Just sign up for your 15 minutes of fun.  Contact Les Carter, 250-362-5677, retrac01@telus.net.


Spring Recreation Brochure is out! 

The Spring Brochure is available online at  www.rossland.ca,  Recreation Program Guide, and in hardcopy at the Public Library and the Credit Union.   There are lots of great, new programs to check out!  Many of the REC Programs have a drop in option, or you can register even after the starting date.  Please let us know if you’re interested in either option for one of the programs listed. 


Recreation Programs Coming Up!


Kid’s Yoga – NEW Dates! 

This playful new class will introduce kids to basic yoga positions through games and other activities. This class is light on meditation and heavy on fun:) Ages 6-12, no experience necessary!  DATES:  April 15– May 20, 2015;  TIMES: Wednesdays, 3:00-4:00pm;  AGES:  6-12 years;  LOCATION:  Miners’ Hall;  FEES:  $45/child (6 classes);  Drop-ins welcome $8/class  INSTRUCTOR:  Kim Rawkins, RYT


Sacred Sound DanceZEN

Love to dance?  DanceZEN is a self-directed dance class where we discuss dancing at its most primal level by using trance like music to reach a higher level of consciousness.  From first Nations to aboriginals around the world, dancing has been used to connect body, mind and soul and allow us to find our inner voice.  Come with a clear head, open heart and open mind.  Check out local DJ’s talent’s while dancing with love and intention.  All dance levels are invited to take part in this sacred dance experience.  There will be a cool down and time for reflection at the end of each class.   Dance like nobody is watching!  Must have 8 registered participants to run the program.  DATES:  April 22-June 9, 2015;  TIMES: Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00pm;  LOCATION: Miners Hall;  FEES:  $60.00/person or  $9.00 drop-in;  CLASS SIZE:  Min. 8 pre-registered


Bike Mechanics 101 (Co-Ed) with Revolution Cycles

Bike Mechanics 101 will teach you the basic skills to help you maintain your mountain bike, manage trailside repairs and learn what equipment you should always carry with you.  The program is offered in an open forum style and will be tailored to the group’s needs.  Bring your own bike and get all of your questions answered!  If you’ve purchased a bike with Revolution Cycles in the last few years, the course is free!  DATES:  Session #2:  Tuesday, April 28, 2015;  TIME:  6:30-8:30pm;  LOCATION:  Revolution Cycles, 1990 Columbia Ave.

FEES: $25.00, includes GST ;  CLASS SIZE: Min. 5/Max. 10


Karate for Kids 7-14years – Starts March 31!

Karate is an ongoing program in Rossland. The Rossland Chito-Ryu Karate Dojo is welcoming new students and any old Shotokan members to come and train with our Registered/Certified Karate Program.  This program is registered with  KarateBC,  Registered/Certified Black Belt Instruction, NCCP Certified Coaches.   Participating in the Karate classes requires an annual membership payment to Karate BC ($55.00) and BC Chito-kai membership payment, ($12.00).  If you register with a friend at the same time—you get one month training for free!  DATES:  Spring Semester:  April 2 – June 18, 2015;  TIMES:  Tuesdays, & Thursdays, 3:30-5:00pm;  LOCATION:  Miners Hall;  FEES:      $250.00 per semester, $100.00 per month;  AGES:  7-14 years; INSTRUCTOR:  Scott Hutcheson


YOGA, Yoga and more yoga!


Kid’s Yoga – NEW Dates! 

This playful new class will introduce kids to basic yoga positions through games and other activities. This class is light on meditation and heavy on fun:) Ages 6-12, no experience necessary!  DATES:  April 15– May 20, 2015;  TIMES: Wednesdays, 3:00-4:00pm;  AGES:  6-12 years;  LOCATION:  Miners’ Hall;  FEES:  $45/child (6 classes);  Drop-ins welcome $8/class  INSTRUCTOR:  Kim Rawkins, RYT


Morning Yoga with Marnie Laser – 6:30am!

Start your day off with a mindful practice to stretch and strengthen your body, open your heart and steady your mind. This class will include a centering followed by breath work, asana, and relaxation. You will be encouraged to meet your body where it’s at and gently guide it to a new level of well-being both on and off the matt. A morning practice is a great way to awaken your awareness and integrate your body/mind so that you are ready to receive what the day may bring. All welcome, please bring a yoga mat and a blanket. Date: February 3-March 12.  Time: Tuesdays; 6:30-7:30am.  Location: Miners’ Hall.  Fees: $45/5x punch pass or $10 drop-in fee


Yoga Flow with Cynthia Anonuevo, RYT

These carefully sequenced flow classes focus on alignment to suit your body’s needs.  Learn how Yoga can compliment your seasonal sport or activity.  Stretch.  Strengthen.  Breathe.  Relax.  Thursdays, 6:00-7:00pm, Miners Hall, everyone welcome, $40.00 drop in. 


Pottery & Art Classes Coming Up!


Colour Art  Class

Colours! All kinds of colours! We are going to use pastels, paints and felt to explore colour!  Experiment with mixing colours, mixing medias and making the world a more colorful place!  DATES: May 11 – June 8, 2015;  TIMES: Mondays, 4:00-5:00pm (No class May 18)  LOCATION:  Arena Lounge;  FEES:  $45.00;  AGES:  Ages: 7-12 

CLASS SIZE:  Min. 5 / Max 12


Munchkins Get Dirty! 

Come and play with clay! Children will create three projects using slab, coil and pinch pot techniques.  Don’t be shy to get dirty!!  DATES: April 29, May 6, 13, the glaze class June 3, is only 30 min.  TIMES:  Wednesdays, 3:00-4:00pm;       LOCATION:  Miner’s Hall;  FEES:  $85.00, plus $5.00 for clay RCPS;  (Please bring the $5.00 to the 1st class);  AGES:                    5 – 7 years;  CLASS SIZE:    Min. 5/ Max. 8


Kids Clay Arts

Come and play with clay!  Children will create three projects using slab, coil and pinch pot techniques.  Kids should come to class dressed to get messy!  The last class of each session is the glazing class and is only 30 minutes long. 

DATES:  April 29, May 6, 13, & June 3 (glaze class 30 minutes);  TIMES:  Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30pm;  LOCATION:    Pottery Society Studio,   Miners Hall;  AGES:  8-12 years;  FEES:  $85.00 plus $5.00 for clay;  (Please bring the $5.00 to the first class);  CLASS SIZE:  Min 5 / Max 8


Wildlife Tree Hike Afterschool Program 

This is an afterschool program that allows your child to hike and explore on local trails with certified teacher and outdoor enthusiast Jessica Foster. Hiker’s will become knowledgeable scientists, observing the natural world around Rossland and its great hiking paths.  Student’s will be able to identify native and invasive plants, trees, & bird species in the area by the end of the session.  If you love hiking, nature and learning you’ll love this session.  Children will need; healthy snack, water   bottle, hat, proper shoes and attire for hiking, sunscreen, binoculars and camera (if you wish).   DATES:May 13-June 24, 2015;  TIMES:     Wednesdays, 2:30-4:30pm;  FEES:  $80.00;  AGES:  6-12 year olds

LOCATION:   Meet at RSS School playground;  (The program will wait for the students from the Francophone School to arrive);  PICKUP:  Pickup location is the Centennial parking lot;  CLASS SIZE: Min 8. / Max 12


Earth Day – April 22!!

Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 and every day too!  There are several courses coming up that will help you to be a better Gardener. 


Grow Your Best Organic Garden Ever

Learn from soil enthusiast Gill Eames who has been teaching organic gardening across the Pacific Northwest for over twenty years!  Attendees will be taught how to determine what soil amendments their garden needs, in what amounts and how and when to apply them.  Gill will also discuss what role each of these amendments, including Biochar play, in creating healthy 7th generation soils and the unique geological advantages that Rosslanders have growing in a caldera during a time of climate change.  Soil testing services and prescription soil amendment products will be available for purchase.  Contact the Recreation Department at 250-362-2327 or recreation@rossland.ca to register. 


Rossland Plant Exchange & Sale – Saturday May 9

For every plant you bring, you receive a token.  Trade your tokens for plants brought in by fellow community gardeners.  Extra plants, perennials and beautiful cut flowers for Mother’s Day will be on sale!  Saturday, May 9, 2:00-6:00pm at the courtyard beside Mountain Nugget Chocolate. 


Learn How To Save Your Own Seeds – A 3 Part Workshop

This will be a three part workshop that will be held on Saturday mornings from 9:30-11:30am.   The dates are May 16, June 27 and September 19. 

The first class on Saturday, May 16 is mainly theory and will cover the many reasons to save seeds, flower anatomy and pollination, biennial and annual plants, outbreeding and inbreeding, why some seeds are harder to save than others and plant propagating and culture. 

The second class on Saturday June 27 will be hands on and in the garden.  Topics will be about choosing which plants to save seed from, how to care for them and hand pollination.  We’ll take a close look at saving seeds from spinach, lettuce, beans, tomatoes, some flowers, herbs and the squash family.  There will be lots of time to ask questions! 

The third class on September 19 will be another “hands on” and in the garden workshop.  We will discuss when and how to harvest your seeds, learn how to clean and store seeds including seeds that need fermenting and a little bit about plant breeding. 

The Instructor, Sarah Flood has had a lifelong passion for growing plants.  After she became concerned about the huge loss of vegetable and fruit varieties and the commercialization of seed production she became interested in seed production and selection.  She has years of experience in seed saving and has taken workshops from Patrick Steiner of Stellar Seeds and attended the Farm Folk City Folk BC Seeds Gathering.  She is looking forward to passing on her knowledge to other enthusiastic gardeners. 

Contact the Recreation Department at 250-362-2327 or recreation@rossland.cato register. 


Monashee Institute – Permaculture Course!

Are you interested in Permaculture?  The Monashee Institute is running a course over the May 8-10 weekend, in Rossland, at the Moon Gravity Farm in lower Rossland.  Instructor Andrew Bennet will be running the course. 

Three days of intense, in-depth, in-situ learning of core tenets in permaculture design. Patterns in nature, water and earthworks, energy and food forests, soils and livestock, climate strategies, building shelter and society, and alternative livelihoods.  Find out more and register:http://monasheeinstitute.org/event/permaculture-theory-practice-abundance/

Read instructor’s blog: http://monasheeinstitute.org/permaculture-riding-the-wave-to-abundance/


Youth Soccer Registration

All soccer players born 1997-2010 register now! Register online only at: http://www.kootenaysouthsoccer.com

For more information contact info@kootenaysouthsoccer.com


Rossland Youth Action Network

Check out the new Youth Space at 2076 Columbia – 2 doors West from the Post Office!

Coordinator, Mike Kent has lots of great programs and opportunities to roll out this year and the excitement is just starting!  If you are a Youth between the ages of 12 and 18 or you have a Youth in that age bracket, please check out the website at www.rosslandyan.ca  or “like” them on Facebook at, www.facebook.com/RosslandYAN.  The Youth Action Network guarantees that teenagers in Rossland have “something to do”!  


Creating a Supportive Rossland Project – Button Making Extravaganza Thursday, April 9!

As part of the Creating a Supportive Rossland Project there’s a movie in the making!  Several local Youth will be creating an LGBTQ Rossland video that will be premiered during Youth Week.  The focus of the video will be to educate the community and identify supportive community members who are available to listen and provide guidance to any Youth who are dealing with questions of sexuality or gender identification. 

The YAN is also finalizing the details of a workshop on Human Sexuality Training that will be available to the Public as a way to build awareness, comfort, confidence and the competence required to talk about sexuality in an unbiased,      non-judgmental, knowledgeable and inclusive manner.   If you’d like to get involved in this important community initiative, please contact yancoordinator@gmail.com


Art Drop in night on Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm

Starting March 2nd, we will be offering an art drop in night at our new space next door to RHC Insurance down town.  There will be no instruction, just a space to be creative with other youth artists.  We will have guest artists present to lend support.  Guest Artists:  March 2 & 9 – painter Stephanie Gauvin March 16 & 23 – air brush artist Colin Taylor.   Other guest artists to be announced!


Youth Action Network Grants

The Youth Action Network will provide grants to youth 12-18 years old to assist them in personal development.  These grants can be used to pay or help pay for certifications required for employment or personal development opportunities.  You can apply for up to $200 in the calendar year (January 1-December 31, 2015). The Grant Selection Committee may ask you to support your application with more details.

Applications are now being accepted at http://goo.gl/forms/VG5yKfQcNN. There is a limited amount of grant money available.  Applications will be processed as they are received until the grant fund is expended.


The Rossland Makerlab

Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm in the new Youth Space at 2076 Columbia!  Come to this FREE drop in to get support in learning 3D modelling, printing and all things technology based.  Knowledgeable mentors are on hand to answer your questions and help you get you going.  Please bring a laptop if you can.



Parkour & Freerunningat the RSS Auditorium $5 Drop In

Tuesdays 6:30-8:00pm – Pure Parkour for ages 8yrs and up.  Thursdays 6:30-8:00pm – Parkour & Freerunning.  (The Thursday Parkour is now only for teens – guaranteed – no one younger!  For this advanced session you must be invited by an instructor.  Parkour, the “Art of Movement”.  Involvement in Parkour requires consistent, disciplined training with an emphasis on functional strength, physical conditioning, balance, creativity, fluidity, control, precision, spatial awareness, and looking beyond the traditional use of objects.


Teck Children’s Series – Charles Bailey Theatre – Saturday, May 2

On May 2, Cadence Vocal Band is coming to the Charles Bailey Theatre!  The three times Juno Award Nominee Band entertains you with an A Cappella History of Music!  Take a trip through time with Cadence as they cover 100 years of vocal music in 50 minutes!  This Juno nominated quartet will cover such material as Gregorian Chant, Classical, Choral, Jazz, Doo-Wop, Rock, Blues and more, incorporating mind blowing instrumental imitation, high energy antics and audience participation.  The show is at 2:00pm on Saturday, May 2 and all seats are $15.00.  Tickets are available in person or by phone at the Charles Bailey Theatre Box Office or at 250-368-9669 / www.trail-arts.com


Rossland Public Library

The Library has lots of great programs and events running in the next few days, weeks and months!   On Fridays at 11:00am the Books and Babies songs and story time happens for little ones 0 to 30 months.   Every Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm there is something  going on in the Library for school aged kids.  The Page Turners program is for kids 8-11 years old, the second Thursday of each month from 3:00-4:00pm.  The Board Games Club for kids 6-12 years runs the fourth Thursday of each month from 3:00-4:00pm


RDKB Trash to Treasure Day – Saturday, April 25

This 1 day event is your chance to help reduce waste by giving away your used household items or claiming treasures from your neighbours!  Collect unwanted household items and place them by the curb where treasure hunters can access them without disrupting traffic.  Create a sign to let treasure hunters know that your items are up for grabs.  Remove all your remaining items by 4:00pm.  You can download a sign for your lawn at www.rdck.caor www.rdkb.com


Digital Arts & New Media Year End Show – April 17

The Digital Arts and New Media Students at Selkirk college are hosting their annual year end exhibition on April 17 from 6:00-9:00pm at Mary Hall, Tenth Street in Nelson.  This event will feature the work of both the first and second year students.  Among the features at this year’s show will be an exhibit of digital and fine art, a compilation of video, and other interactive presentations.  We hope you will join us for this special night.

Categories: Education