
RDCK Board Roundup: Funding for disasters; Fire Standards Adopted

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 20th, 2015

News from Regional District of Central Kootenay March Board Meeting: 
West Kootenay Human-Bear Conflict Working Group

Members of the West Kootenay Human-Bear Conflict Working Group made a presentation to the Board on its mandate and current bear bin project.  Established in 2012, this multi-stakeholder group consists of biologists, conservation officers, and members of WildSafe BC.

Its aim is to educate people, mitigate conflicts and prevent bears from being killed. Conflicts with bears are overwhelming and most of them result in bears being destroyed. 

Thirty-five percent of bear conflicts originate from the improper storage of garbage.  The group is proposing that bear-proof bins be purchased and distributed throughout the West Kootenay to those residents who do not have access to secure garbage storage. 

The bins cost $250 each; the group said $25,000 is needed to initiate the program.  The delegates propose that residents who cannot afford the purchase of a bin could cost share or borrow bins. Outreach coordinators will track the use of the bins.  
Funding for Disasters

Two representatives from Emergency Management BC made a brief presentation to the Board on Disaster Financial Assistance. The Board was assured that no changes have been made to the program concerning local governments.

The RDCK learned that whether or not Disaster Financial Assistance is approved depends on the scope and scale of an emergency event.
RDCK to Explore Child Care Compensation for Directors

The Board has directed staff to prepare and distribute a questionnaire to Directors to determine the level of support for the development of a child care compensation policy.

Currently, only one other local government in the Province has such a policy.  
Fire Standards Adopte

As per direction from the Office of the BC Fire Commissioner, the RDCK Board has adopted, as a minimum, the Exterior Operations level of service for all RDCK volunteer fire departments, effective January 1, 2015.

The Board will adopt the Interior Operations level of service for all departments effective January 1, 2017. 

These levels were established to provide an industry recognized minimum standard of training for firefighters. 

For information on these standards, visit http://www.embc.gov.bc.ca/ofc/pdf/playbook.pdf
More Money for Salmo Library

The Board adopted Salmo and Portion of Electoral Area G Library Financial Aid Service Amendment Bylaw No. 2448, 2015, which will allow the RDCK to annually requisition an additional 25 percent to financially aid the library service.

The library service can now be granted $89,687.00 per year.  
RDCK Says Goodbye to Ridgewood Road Water

The Board repealed Ridgewood Road Water Service Establishment Bylaw No. 2151, 2010 after receiving a petition signed by members of the Ridgewood Road Improvement District.

Bylaw 2151 would have had the RDCK assuming ownership and operation of the improvement district’s system but this did not occur.

The improvement district has upgraded its water system which is now in compliance with Interior Health’s safe drinking water legislation and will therefore continue to operate its own system.  
Blewett Fire Chief Retires

The Board recognized the retirement of Blewett Fire Chief Paul Verigin.

Directors thanked Chief Verigin for your many years of dedication to the RDCK fire service and your commitment to your community.  
Community Development Grants

The Board granted the following Community Development grants:
 Area E: West Kootenay Permaculture Co-op Association 

$1,000 Redfish Elementary                                          

$5,000 Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network   

$500 AFKO                                                                       

$200 CBT CIP Program (volunteer week)   $1,584.31
Area G:

Salmo Valley Trails Society  $500

Mavis Stachurski for Salmo Community Christmas $500
Area H:

West Kootenay Permaculture Co-op Association $5,000

Valley View Golf Course   $5,000

Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice Society $5,000
Area I:

West Kootenay Permaculture Co-op Association $250
Area K:

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 20 $1,840.65

Village of Nakusp $2,000  

Village of Slocan:

Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice Society $5,000
Discretionary Grants

The Board granted the following Discretionary grants:
Area A:

Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network  $200

East Kootenay Volleyball Team $500
Area B:

Creston Valley Team Ropers   $500
Area C:

East Kootenay Valley Ball Club: $1,000

Creston Valey Minor Hockey Association $1,000

Creston Lions Club $2,000

Creston Valley Hospice Society $2,000

Creston Valley Judo Club  $2,000 Creston Museum Society                      $2,000 Cresteramics Society $2,000

Creston Valley Team Ropers $3,000
Area F:

AFKO:  $200
Area G: Salmo Ski Club   $5,000

AFKO   $200

Salmo Baseball  $750

Salmo Valley Youth  $300

Salmo Girls Softball $750  

Area H:

AFKO   $200

Zone 6 BC Seniors Games $300
Area I:

Pass Creek Hall   $500
Area K:

Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network  $500
Village of Slocan:

Village of Slocan (for Seniors Games)  $400

AFKO    $200

Community Works Grants

Area C 

West Creston Community Hall Addition $20,000

Area E 

Procter Schoolhouse Energy Upgrade $139,585

Area K 

Burton Academy School Energy Upgrade    $31,605

Area K 

Dog Creek Water Users Community Water System Upgrade $74,900
Area I & J

Support West Kootenay Trade Show

Areas I and J gave a $1000 grant to the Castlegar and District Chamber of Commerce for the 2015 West Kootenay Trade Show.
Area A

Invests in Kootenay Partnership

Area I gave $625 to the Invest Kootenay Partnership for economic development.

Categories: GeneralPolitics