
Two pets attacked by bobcat(s) in city last night

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
January 15th, 2015

Pet owners are being warned to keep their furry friend indoors after one or more bobcats attacked two local pets Wednesday evening.

Conservation Officer Ben Beetlestone said the first attack happened at roughly 6 p.m. on the 1600 block of Columbia Avenue near No Frills. The cat in question is still at risk of succumbing to its injuries, he added.

Then, at roughly 11:30 p.m., a dog was attacked on Greystone Place, just above No Frills. The dog is doing well.

“We set a live trap today,” said Beetlestone. “This isn’t a public safety concern, per se – bobcats rarely attack humans – but for pets …

“It’s not uncommon for a bobcat to come into town to hunt pets, we have a healthy population of bobcats in the region.”

Coyotes can also be a serious concern for pets allowed to wander outside, so pet owners are advised to keep them indoors.

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