
Soon to be completed Waneta Expansion Project

By Contributor
December 21st, 2014

The annual Christmas tree is lit for the holiday season at the Waneta Expansion Project site.

This is the last Christmas that will see construction on the project which is slated for completion in 2015.

The $900 million Waneta Expansion Project, located next to the Waneta Dam south of Trail, will see the addition of a second powerhouse located immediately downstream of the Waneta Dam on the Pend d’Oreille River.

The expansion will share the existing hydraulic head and generate power from water that would otherwise be spilled.

Output from the new powerhouse will be stepped-up to 230 kV and delivered to BC Hydro’s Selkirk Substation through a new 10 km transmission line. The expansion will produce clean, renewable, cost effective, power for all British Columbians.

Columbia Power is managing the construction of this project on behalf of the owners. Fortis Inc. 51%, Columbia Power 32.5% and Columbia Basin Trust 16.5%.

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Categories: Business