
RDCK joins new wood stove exchange

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
November 26th, 2014

The Regional Distict of Central Kootenay is joining forces with the province to encourage residents to replace their old wood stoves with cleaner burning models.

The RDCK is collaborating with local municipalities to help residents burn better through the Wood Stove Exchange Rebate Program.  
“The RDCK is one of 13 regions across BC to receive funding from the Province and the BC Lung Association to administer a local wood stove exchange program,” the RDCK said in a media release.

“All RDCK electoral areas and municipalities have also committed ‘top-up’ funding, bringing the total value of each rebate to $350. Seventy rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis.”

The RDCK said in order to qualify for the rebate, residents must replace an old (pre-1994), uncertified wood stove with a new, locally purchased, EPA- or CSA-certified wood stove, gas stove, pellet stove, or insert.

The stove must be in active use for home heating. Old stoves must be dismantled and brought to a local landfill or transfer station for disposal.  
Governments across North America have implemented wood stove exchange programs with the goal of improving air quality. In the RDCK, air quality conditions are often the poorest during winter months when wood stove use is at its peak.

Wood smoke contains fine particulate matter, which is associated with respiratory problems and heart disease. New emissions-certified wood stoves burn one-third less wood; and reduce smoke and particulates entering the atmosphere by up to 90%.

To ensure safe and efficient wood burning:

  • Use a high efficiency wood stove
  • Build small, hot fires
  • Ensure the wood is properly seasoned, with a water content of 15% or less
  • Split wood into pieces 4” to 6” in diameter
  • Store wood outside, off the ground, and covered
  • Never burn garbage or treated wood
  • Ensure your stove is installed or inspected by a certified technician

For more information on the program, or for a copy of the rebate application, go to visit the RDCK website.

Categories: Health