
LETTER: The Reverse Curse?…all is well in Rossland

By Contributor
October 29th, 2014

As you have probably noticed, the snow has been creeping down the mountain, and we had our first day of snow in town today.  It has been a good day so far.

I went to the 7S Centre for Learning this morning to hear the candidates for Council do a forum with the 7S learners.  Even though I did hear this joking comment, “How many actual registered voters will be attending?”,

I’m very proud of the candidates for taking the time with the youthful future voters of Rossland.  It made me proud to be a citizen of our mountain kingdom. 

Later in the day, while running along the Paydirt Trail through Red Resort I had this thought:  last year around this time, everyone was talking about “The Curse of the New Chair”.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if we get a reverse curse this year and there is so much snow by November 15th to make the new snowmaking equipment redundant?  I hope Ullr is smiling!

Keith Robine
Categories: Letters

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