
Problem North Shore bear killed after swimming across Kootenay Lake

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
July 21st, 2014

A juvenile bear that has been causing extensive damage on the North Shore was put down Monday by Conservation Officers said Sgt. Dino Falcone of the Nelson Police.

The bear, which was highly habituated to the area’s human food sources, was seen swimming across Kootenay Lake from the Johnstone Road area toward the Prestige Lakeside Resort at about 1:15 p.m.

The bear climbed onto the dock before startling boaters and patrons in the restaurant patio area.

Sgt. Falcone said Conservation staff received several calls over the last two weeks regarding this same bear.

A conservation officer was called to the scene and unfortunately the bear was killed as a result of the aforementioned reasons.

Nelson Police would like to remind the poublic to clean up all attractants, pick yard fruit, cover their barbeques and ensure garbage is secure until pick-up day.
As a reminder for the City of Nelson residents, if any garbage is stored, placed or discarded in a manner that may be accessible to wildlife, the resident may be subject to fines not exceeding $2,000 under the City of Nelson Waste Management and Wildlife Attractant Bylaw No. 3198, 2011.
Bear sightings should be reported to the Conservation Officer Service at 1 877 952-7277.

Bear Aware is an excellent resource for information on bears in the urban interface. Information can be located at www.bearaware.bc.ca or from printed pamphlets available at the Nelson Police Department.

Categories: CrimeGeneral