
Smart Meter protestors join cross-Canada Citizens for Safe Technology rally

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 19th, 2014

A group of South Slocan residents are not taking the move by Fortis BC to install controversial smart meters to the area sitting down.

More than 30 protestors rallied at the entrance to the FortisBC South Slocan Generation facility on Highway 3A Saturday (June 14) to protest against the installation of smart meters.

The rally was part of nationwide protest against the installation of the new electrical meter that is replacing the existing one in the Fortis area starting in August.

“These rallies supported everyone’s human right to opt out of an undemocratic, provincially mandated smart meter program,” the Citizens for Safe Technology website said.

Among them protestors were the West Kootenays federal MP, Alex Atamenenko and several town councilors from the region.

BC venues of protest, along with Nelson/Castlegar, included Victoria, Lower Mainland, Salmon Arm, Powell River/Sunshine Coast, Kelowna and Courtney/Comox Valley.

The main rally occurred in Montreal Saturday.

More information on the nationwide rally can be found at the Citizens for Safe Technology website.



Categories: HealthPolitics