
Opponents of Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline rally at Chahko Mika Mall

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 19th, 2014

Tempers flared as protestors and mall management jawed at each other during Wednesday’s Occupy the Pipeline Everywhere rally oppose Northern Gateway outside Save-On Foods at the Chahko Mika Mall.

The rally was held in protest of the federal government announcement approval of the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline project Tuesday in Ottawa.

The pipeline will carry petroleum and condensate from Bruderheim, Alta., to Kitimat, B.C.

As the rally started, mall management intervened; telling rally organizers the Chahko Mika Mall parking lot was private property.

Nelson Police officers were in attendance during the rally to keep the peace during the confrontation between mall management and rally organizers.

Speakers included Wayne McRory of the Valhalla Wilderness Society, rally organizer Keith Wiley and others from the crowd.

The rally, which attracted 50-70 people against the Enbridge bitumen pipeline and tankers on the coast of BC, lasted for approximately one hour before the crowd dispersed.

The rally was sponsored by Kootenays for a Pipeline-Free BC.

See previous story.

Categories: GeneralPolitics