
Nelson resident surprised to find bear stealing cookies from family kitchen

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 10th, 2014

A cousin of Yogi Bear was spotted stealing cookies from a kitchen in the Uphill part of Nelson Sunday Nelson Police said in a media release.

Nelson Police said an Uphill resident was surprised to find a black bear in the kitchen chowing down on the baked goods.

The bear left when finished and was seen walking through yards checking doors. 

The Nelson Police and Conservation was called and tracked the bear through the neighborhood, finding the bruin tearing though garbage.

The bear was safely dispatched by a Conservation Officer.
Later Sunday NPD dispatch received a report of a cougar that was also seen in the Uphill district.

Friday a cougar report was turned in near the Care to Learn Children’s Centre near L.V. Rogers Secondary in Fairview.

Someone dropping their daughter off at the daycare saw the medium-size cat vanish into the forest.

Nelson Police advise anyone coming into contact with a cougar that does not run away to stay calm, stand your ground and don’t back down.

Back away slowly if possible and safe to do so.

Pick up any children, but do not bend down or turn your back on the animal. Running triggers an innate predatory response in cougars which could lead to an attack.
Also raise your voice and speak firmly.

Raise your arms to make yourself look larger, clap your hands, and throw something you might have in your hands, like a water bottle. Again, do not bend over to pick up a stone off the ground. This action may trigger a pounce response in a cougar.
Please ensure you report any cougar sightings to the RAPP line 1-877-952-7277 or the Nelson Police Department at 354-3919.

Categories: Crime