
Last chance to register for Non-Profit Collaboration Night! This Wendesday!

Deanne Steven
By Deanne Steven
May 27th, 2014

Reminder to register for Rossland’s First Non-Profit Collaboration night! Wednesday May 28th, 2014 6pm at the Rossland Miners’ Union Hall. 

Our goal with this event- is to assist non-profit organisations to improve their capacity, increase efficiency, reduce duplication of services and encourage greater collaboration between groups. 

Employees, volunteers, directors are all invited to attend- even if you just want to find out about some of the different organisations and aren’t involved yet. 

We have over 40 individuals registered and the following organisations represented so far:

–       Basin Business Advocates

–       C3 Pro

–       Friends of the Rossland Range

–       Heart Dog Rescue

–       KAST

–       Kootenay Columbia Trails Society

–       Kootenay Family Place

–       Monashee Institute

–       Real Food

–       Red Mountain Racers

–       Rossland Arts Council

–       Rossland Chamber of Commerce

–       Rossland Healthcare Auxillary

–       Rossland Heritage Commission

–       Rossland Light Opera

–       Rossland Mountain Market

–       Rossland Museum and Discovery Centre

–       Rossland Tennis Club

–       Seven Summits School

–       Sustainability Commission

–       Tourism Rossland Society

–       Wild Safe BC

You will have an opportunity to visit the groups who are exhibiting as well as listen to the following presentations:

–       Non Profit 101

–       Taxes for Non profits

–       Building a great project

–       10- Non profit elevator pitches (more information on 10 organisations)

–       Information on the new City of Rossland non-profit application process

Then at the end of the evening we will have an opportunity to share ideas and look at new ways of collaborating by breaking out into focus groups. 

Please RSVP in advance: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?llr=eugpchpab&oeidk=a07e9774xms380490dc&oseq=

Free Pizza- Cash Bar (put on by the Rossland Arts Council)