
What's Going on at the Rossland Museum this Spring!

Michele Skuce
By Michele Skuce
April 23rd, 2014

On March 29th we co-hosted Antiques from the Attic:  What’s It Worth?  with the Trail Historical Society for the second year in a row.  We had professional appraiser Peter Blundell here from Vernon to give people detailed information on their antiques.


On Wednesday, April 16th we had Luxton’s final report presented by consultant Wayne Wilson.  Exciting times ahead as the museum begins this process of revitilization. 


Sunday, April 20th  the  Rossland Historical Museum held the first community Easter Egg Hunt at 11 a.m and we had a great turn-out!  Parents and kids alike had a great time.  One parent said “it’s so great to  not have to go anywhere else for this”.   We had the Lower Bench area set aside for younger kids, and older kids up above. 


Upcoming events in May include Walter Volovsek, author of The Green Necklace:  The Vision Quest of Edward Mahon coming to speak on Saturday, May 24th at 6:30 pm.  This will be a talk based on Walter’s book about Edward Mahon and his vision to incorporate green space into early city planning.  Then on May 31st, Saturday, we will be hosting Family Day once again.  We have a barbeque planned and lots of events including games,  a blacksmith demonstration, spinning, knitting lessons and more.  This is happening from 10-3 pm.  Plan to come!


Be sure to check our website, facebook, twitter and bhubble for more event details.

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