
The Rossland Museum wants your stories! Old Timer Interviews, Heritage Week , Antique Appraisals and Expanded Hours

Michele Skuce
By Michele Skuce
February 17th, 2014

The Rossland Historical Museum is actively working to record your stories with our “Old Timer Interviews” project.  Museum directors Roly Worsfold and Lydia Jakovac are busy tracking down senior Rossland community members to interview.

If you know of someone they should talk to, or if you are someone they should interview, please contact staff at the Rossland Historical Museum and we will help make arrangements – (250) 362-7722.   These stories are what help make history come alive and resonate with people today.  History is literally “his story “(or “her story”) and we want to preserve it for future generations.

There’s more – Heritage Week is coming up Feb.17-23rd, and the Rossland Historical Museum is teaming up with the Trail Historical Society for a special presentation on the Columbia River Steamboats, on Thursday, February 20th at 4 pm.  Jamie Forbes and Sarah Benson of the Trail Historical Society will be here to present, and refreshments will be served!    Joyce Austin, Manager of the Rossland Historical Museum reminds us that “We share our history with Trail, and the Columbia River Steamboats are an important part of that history.”

Another event which features a Rossland/Trail partnership is our upcoming “Antiques from the Attic:  What’s it Worth?”  We have renowned appraiser Peter Blundell returning from Vernon.  Pre-booking is required, please call Sarah at (250) 364-0829.  The cost is $35.00 for 15 minutes and /or 3 items.  Spectator tickets are also available for $5.00.  This will take place on March 28th and 29th at the Trail United Church on Pine Avenue.  Times for Friday are 12-5 pm and Saturday from 9 am-5pm.   We would like to thank Teck Metals, the Nelson and District Credit Union (Rossland Branch) and also the Columbia Basin Trust for their sponsorship of this event.

The Rossland Historical Museum has recently expanded our opening hours to 12-6 pm, Wed- Saturday.  As always, special arrangements for large groups and school groups can easily be arranged with advance notice.  We are currently offering our Ski Interpretive Program, “Mining and Moguls:  Rossland’s Ski Story” to school groups and large groups of 10 or more.   Please contact the museum to make arrangements. 

We look forward to seeing you this winter!

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