
Nelson Police road check stops continue to net drinking drivers

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
December 23rd, 2013

Several drivers lost licencses during the weekend as Nelson Police continued its battle against drunk drivers during the 2013 Christmas Holiday season.

During the early hours of Sunday (December 22) officers noticed a young couple enter a vehicle parked in the 700 Block of Vernon Street at 1:35 a.m.

When the couple noticed a marked police truck, the two quickly exited the vehicle.

As soon as the member left the area, the two hopped back into the vehicle before driving off, breaking several traffic laws in the process.

After nearly striking another police vehicle in the area the driver was stopped and detained.

The driver was charged under the Motor Vehicle Act for driving without consideration for others, his license suspended for three days and the vehicle impounded.

Fortunately no one was hurt on this occasion.

Erratic driver handed impaired charge

Later Sunday, at 3:15 a.m., Nelson Police Members noticed a truck driving erratically on Front Street. 

The vehicle was stopped and the 41-year-old driver provided two samples of his breath to a roadside screening device. 

Both samples registered “FAIL” on the roadside screening device.

The driver’s license was suspended for 90 days and vehicle impounded for 30. 

Police continue Counter Attack road check stops

The Nelson Police Department is continuing its holiday checkstop program.

The latest road block saw members stop approximately 400 motorists.

Nelson Police Department members issued six Provincial tickets and 10 warnings.
Nelson Police Department want to remind motorists to remember it doesn’t take much alcohol to impair your driving — just because you’ve only had a couple of drinks doesn’t mean you’re okay to drive.
Make a smart choice.

If you’re going to be drinking, make sure you have a sober designated driver, money for a taxi, a place to stay overnight, or a friend you can call for a ride.

Categories: Crime

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