
Finally something positive in the Victorian Community Health Centre saga

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
December 20th, 2013

There’s a glimmer of hope in the Kaslo Victorian Community Health Centre saga.

The Victorian Community Health Centre Emergency Room hours were scheduled to change to weekday, daytime hours of operation on Monday, January 6, 2014.

However, there’s been a new proposal made by a group of physicians.

Doctors informed Interior Health officials the group would like to explore a “fee-for-service” option rather than “contract compensation model”.

“Interior Health has remained open to solutions that ensure Kaslo and area residents have good access to high quality primary care and to the emergency services they need,” said Dr. Michael Purdon, Executive Medical Director, Community and Residential Services said in a release.

“More discussions are needed to see if we have found an answer to the long-standing staffing challenges at the Kaslo Health Centre, and we felt it was important to hold off on any permanent changes to see if there is an alternative solution.”

The physician’s proposal has allowed Interior Health to put off changes to emergency department hours at Victorian Community Health Centre until April 1, 2014.

As staffing allows, the Kaslo emergency department will be open 24/7 while discussions about a potential new model take place.

There will still be times when limited nursing and/or physician availability will result in emergency department closures in the months ahead. IH will provide updates on any interruptions to 24/7 coverage.

“We anticipate discussions over the next three months or so will allow us to see what is possible to best meet the health care needs of the Kaslo area,” said Andrew Neuner, IH Vice President, Community Integrated Health Services.

“It is encouraging to have a group of physicians committed to having these discussions with us. This will allow us the time needed to thoroughly examine the options for physician coverage and ensure that we also have the appropriate staffing plan in place.”

In September 2012, it became clear that Kaslo was going to have a problem staffing enough doctors to keep the emergency services open 24/7.

As a result, the IH announced it was going to reduce emergency services to 9-5 during weekdays only.

But an outcry from the community convinced IH to continue 24/7 services and form a working committee to help keep the emergency room open.

However, in the process, the health centre lost its two doctors. Contracts for the staff doctors were not renewed earlier this year.

Thus, the IH and the village of Kaslo partnered to recruit new doctors.

When Interior Health closes down the ER due to doctor shortage, Kaslo and area residents have been forced call 9-1-1 for an emergency, visit the emergency room at Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson, or for non-emergencies, use the walk in clinic in Nelson.

Categories: Health