Free shuttle bus going ahead from 7:30AM TO 10:00PM!
Tourism Rossland is delighted to announce that we are going ahead with both the day-time and evening winter shuttle service!
The free shuttle bus will run every 45 minutes (with a 1 hour break in the afternoon) looping between downtown Rossland and the Red Mountain Neighbourhood every day all winter. A schedule and map will be published shortly.
Deanne Steven from Tourism Rossland commented that this is such an important initiative for all Rossland businesses, that she has been overwhelmed with support from over 40 businesses and organisations with $43,000 of contributions from them. The remaining funding for this project is coming from the Resort Municipality Initiative. Although Rossland has not yet been confirmed in their quest to become a 2% RMI community, Tourism Rossland felt that it was important to go ahead with the project in the interim.
Tourism Rossland would like to thank the following businesses and organisations who graciously contributed to this service:
Alpine Drug Store
Alpine Grind Coffee House
Bear Country Kitchen
Big Red Cats
Butch Boutry Ski Store
Canadian Ski Quest
Casa Alpina
Ferraro Foods
Flying Steamshovel Pub and Inn
Gabriella’s Caffe
Gold Town Dining
ISL Engineering
Jodie Ouimet
Legacy Giftroom and Brewshop
Mountain Nugget Chocolate Company
Mountain Town Properties
Nelson and District Credit Union
Out of the Cellar
Powderhound Sports
Prestige Mountain Resort
Rams Head Inn
Red Barn Lodge
Red Mountain Academies
Red Mountain Resort
Red Mountain Lodging
Red Mountain Village
Red Shutter Inn
Rock Cut Pub
Rossland Art Gallery
Rossland Beer Company
Rossland Chamber of Commerce
Rossland Fine Wines
Rossland Legion
Rossland Motel
Rossland Museum
Seven Summits Service
Tails Pet Supplies
The General Store
The Red Pair Shoe Store
Additionally there will be an on-demand shuttle service available from the contractor after 10:00pm for a small fee. Full details will be released shortly.
Tourism Rossland is Rossland’s Destination Marketing Organisation whose mission is to work in a fair and unbiased manner to grow Rossland’s year round tourism economy within the context of the community’s vision and values.