
‘Pantlers and Pelts’ art show endeavours to be a step outside the Rossland Art Box

Arlen MacLaine
By Arlen MacLaine
September 19th, 2013

The upcoming ‘Pantlers and Pelts’ art show at the Rossland Art Gallery (RAG) will be a showcase for the unconventional, a departure from the ‘norm’ when it comes to what many might expect of locally produced fine art.  

Organizer Tyler Austin Bradley refers to the works in the show, which runs from September 27 to October 13, as ‘outsider art’, meaning art that you might not see at a typical gallery event.

“This is an independent collective of artists banding together to showcase their work, their art,  the one unifying characteristic of those involved being their ability to fly under the radar,” said Bradley.  “I’m hoping it will be good exposure for the artists, many of whom practice their art in obscurity, and exciting for the audience, too; surf, skate, snow, pop and street-influenced art aren’t usually assembled in a group show like this, rarely in big cities, much less in the Kootenays.

“We’re stoked to have a venue like the RAG available to us, and are pretty fired up to have our friends and community come out to enjoy the work.”

Pantlers and Pelts features 10 artists, many of them from the local area, all of them with ties to Rossland.

Heather Good, now living in Grand Forks, used to live in Rossland, and has an established following in town and further afield; More than a few Rosslanders own her work. Bradley says Good is excited for the opportunity to show pieces that people might not expect from her.  

Local resident Daniel ‘Jesus’ Bremer, perhaps better known for his prowess navigating around tables at Rafters, will have jewelry, metal art, and paintings on display.  Sean Genovese, pro snowboarder, artist, owner of Dinosaurs Will Die Snowboards and co-owner of Think-Thank Films, has done a lot of filming in and around Rossland, and will have work on display, too.  Angie Roussin, owner of Pina Styles out in Ucluelet, has family here in Rossland and visits regularly.

The opening night gala (Friday, September 27th)  promises to start off with a bang.  Local DJ and turntablist “FreshCutMelon,” aka Chris Timms, will be on the decks, laying down an array of soulful beats starting at 7pm.  Appetizers by Rossland’s very own Mountain Chef will be on display ( and available for eating too), as well as ‘refreshments produced by Rossland Beer Company, provided with compliments of the collective exhibiting artists’.

“It’s intended to be a social event, a good excuse to get together in the shoulder season and ramp up for winter,” said Bradley.  “There will be something here for everyone, of all ages and backgrounds.  And the opening will definitely have a bit of a party vibe.”

While Bradley notes that there are several other events taking place the night of the 27th, the curious and otherwise committed are still encouraged to stop by before or after any other engagement they might have.  The festivities will be going well into the night, as unscripted as any of the works presented within the confines of the show.

Categories: Arts and Culture

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