
NPD forced to Taser combative man who stabbed himself Saturday in Fairview

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 19th, 2013

A Nelson Police officer was forced to  use a Taser to calm a man who had stabbed himself Sunday (June 16) in lower Fairview.

The call was one of 80 responded to by officers during a busy weekend that saw police deal with numerous house party calls Saturday night.

The Taser incident began when NPD dispatchers received a call reporting a man had stabbed himself before fleeing his place of work.

B.C. Ambulance was also requested to attend the scene.

When Nelson police arrived they found the man sitting on the curb in lower Fairview.

Police approached the male, initially calm, with caution.

However, the man became agitated and combative. He punched the NPD member twice in the face before a “conducted energy weapon (CEW or Taser) was employed to gain control of him,” said NPD Sgt. Janet Scott-Pryke in a written statement.

Tasers are one of several use-of-force weapons that police may use to subdue or restrain an individual.

The male was transported to Kootenay Lake Hospital immediately by EHS and examined by a doctor. 

The man received no injuries from the conducted energy weapon (CEW) and was treated for the self-inflicted stab wound as well as possible mental health issues. 

The incident is still under investigation.

Police are still considering charges in this file.

Driving too slow alerts police

In the early hours of Sunday (June 16), at 2:30 a.m., police followed a vehicle driving well under the posted speed limit on Stanley Street. The vehicle suddenly made a right hand turn on to Carbonate Street before pulling abruptly to the curb. 

The driver, a 45-year-old resident, was issued a seven-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) due to alcohol consumption. 

Pranksters strike at Nelson Cemetery

Monday, (June 17) NPD members were called to the Nelson Cemetery to investigate a report of several tombstones knocked over. 

There appears to be no other damage but the investigation is ongoing and police are asking for assistance from the public to report any other suspicious activity in the cemetery over the weekend.

Categories: CrimeGeneral

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