
Naked man leads police on chase through downtown Nelson

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 22nd, 2013

Nelson Police dealt with a series of calls the weekend as the public enjoyed the first long weekend of the summer.

The calls ranged from man unlawfully in Canada to drug seizures and officers involved in a foot chase through the streets of Nelson to catch a naked man.

Downtown chase leads to arrest of naked man

Monday evening (May 20) two officers of the Nelson Police Department saw a local man wanted for criminal harassment. 

Police had reason to believe that the person in question had repeatedly been taunting a Nelson man over the past few days. 

When the man saw police officers he fled on foot along Baker Street. 

Officers gave chase in police vehicles and on foot coordinating their effort to arrest the man. 

As the suspect ran along the sidewalk he began undressing first with his hat, then necklaces, glasses and in time, all of his clothing. 

The officers eventually engaged the naked, sweating and spitting male in the 400 block of Baker Street and completed the arrest. 

The man was taken into custody and continued to surprise the officers with his unpredictable and unconventional actions. 

Nelson Mental Health became involved and the male was delivered to the appropriate health care providers. 

The man now faces charges of criminal harassment and resisting arrest.

Citizen corals donation jar thief

On the Victoria Day Holiday Monday, NPD dispatch received a 9-1-1 call from staff at Valhalla Pure Outfitters store in the 600 block of Baker Street that a man had absconded with a donation jar from a shelf within the store.

When police arrived they were informed an employee had followed the male and located the jar.

A local man, well known to police, was taken into custody without a struggle.  

When the officers interviewed the employee he told police the suspect had taken the donation jar from the store inside a bag. 

When the employee confronted the man, they struggled over the jar.  Even though the gig was up, the suspect tried to keep the ill obtained booty.

The Nelson Police would like to remind the citizens apprehending suspects can come with risks and urged the public it’s better to provide succinct, accurate information then get involved in a chase. 

Those inclined to engage in citizen’s arrest should be familiar with the law allowing such arrests and be aware of the risks. The citizen powers of arrest section of the Criminal Code of Canada have recently been changed.

Small talk reveals man unlawfully in Canada

During a drive by the Park and Ride in Highway 3A Saturday (May 18) officers noticed a pedestrian contravening the Motor Vehicle Act. 

The officer stopped and engaged the male in a conversation.  As the male was accused of being in contravention he was obliged by law to identify himself to the officer.  The male verbally identified himself, but as he did the officer noticed that the man was very nervous. 

When the man did not produce any of the common forms of identification such as a driver’s license, the officer became suspicious he was not being truthful and had supplied a false name.

 After further investigation the officer was able to correctly identify the male as a United States citizen who was unlawfully in Canada. 

The investigation revealed that the male had previously been deported from Canada.  The Nelson Police officer contacted the Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) and sought their services.  The male was held in custody under Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. 

 The male is now facing possible criminal charges of obstructing a police officer and possession of a controlled substance.  He was turned over to CBSA and may now face deportation.

Traffic stop leads to drug charges

A routine traffic stop Saturday (May 18) resulted in NPD officers making a drug seizure from a local man. 

The arrest happened during a traffic stop on Stanley Street. Police noticed a passenger riding in a vehicle without wearing his seat belt. 

The seat belt infraction allowed police to launch a drug investigation. 

The passenger of the vehicle was subsequently arrested for possession of marijuana.

Further investigation resulted in the officer discovering a number of pills believed to be morphine and numerous small plastic bags containing an unidentified powdered substance. 

The amount of drugs located in the possession of the male led the officer to believe that the drugs were destined for sale. 

The local man may now be facing numerous drug charges including possession and trafficking allegations.

Man charged with sex assault

Late Monday evening (May 20) an adult male, well known to Nelson police, arrived crashing, yelling and swearing into the lobby of the Nelson Police Department carrying a seven-foot long metal pole.

The man was out of breath and told to the officers he was being chased by a gang with knives. 

Officers swung into action and located and interviewed four teen aged local youth, along with the male that had charged into the police department. 

The ensuing investigation resulted in the adult male being arrested for sex assault, two counts of uttering threats, possession of a weapon dangerous to the public peace and failure to comply with conditions of an undertaking.

 The man is due to appear in court on (Wednesday) May 22.




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