
A POEM A DAY 2: Have trim will travel

Almeda Glenn Miller
By Almeda Glenn Miller
April 9th, 2013

Other homes have it     I’ve seen it in movies and whatnot         We speak of it as we swirl our Shiraz in fancy round-bellied glasses            I had a friend who cut the birch trees down on an empty lot, milled planks out of it, cured it in stacks for three years, then used it in her house                 We sip our wine – hints of chocolate or anise beneath the berries                     She didn’t stain it   Left it natural   It’s got a kind of amber patina      Patina     I make note of the word    the way it could finish off the line of a poem    and then I say it     Patina        After a few more sips      Just to make sure we’re talking about the same thing   trim is what covers the gap between the window and the drywall     right?    Yes    she says but she always pretends she knows stuff when she really doesn’t     We finish our Shiraz and start in on the Meritage she brought home from wine country last fall        By the end of the evening we have crafted other myths      such as baseboards     kick plates   and backsplashes   We’ve designed the logo for the van we are going to drive through the streets of our small town loaded with jigs    wood    and compound miter saws        We anticipate immediate success    how other women will applaud our courage               But alas  Have Trim Will Travel is just another story we tell to comfort ourselves while the rest of the world finishes what it started

Almeda Glenn Miller is a Rossland-based writer, performer, and teacher.

Categories: Arts and Culture

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