
April is Daffodil Month - fight back against cancer in your community as a Door to Door volunteer

By Contributor
March 21st, 2013

If you want to make a difference in the fight against cancer, the Canadian Cancer Society needs you! With Daffodil Month just around the corner, Door to Door canvassers are needed this April to help the Society raise funds for the best in cancer research, prevention and support programs.

Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community. Rossland resident and Canadian Cancer Society volunteer, Mary Hatlevik, shares the reasons why she first got involved as a Door to Door canvasser with the Canadian Cancer Society more than 30 years ago. Mary recalls receiving a telephone call from the Kootenay/Okanagan Director, “She asked me if we could get a campaign going in Rossland and who would be the campaign chair. I said she was sitting at my table!”  Mary had been motivated by the story of Terry Fox to get involved as a volunteer. 

Three years ago Mary took on the role of Door to Door Chair. “This year we still need another 14 canvassers to have all routes covered. We are looking for Area Captains who can help coordinate the canvassers.” says Mary.  “I think this is the most important campaign of the CCS.  For many, this may be the only way they learn about support offered by the Canadian Cancer Society”.

The Society is asking Rossland residents to join the fight this April and donate some time to the Door to Door campaign. Mary says, “A new canvasser would only need to volunteer 2 to 4 hours to complete one route during the whole month of April. We receive a very good response, and people are expecting us.” 

Volunteers are the heart of the Canadian Cancer Society. If you have a few hours to spare this April and want to make a difference in the fight against cancer, sign up as a Door to Door canvasser in Rossland today.

For more information, please contact:


Mary Hatlevik



Established in 1938, the Canadian Cancer Society is a national charity that fights cancer by doing everything we can to prevent cancer, fund research and support people living with cancer. Join the fight! Visit our website at fightback.ca  or call our toll-free bilingual Cancer Information Service at 1 888 939-3333.

Categories: GeneralHealth

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