
B.C. Liquor laws get a makeover

By Contributor
February 12th, 2013

Minister Rich Coleman recently announced several changes today that will help support local breweries and distilleries, create new business opportunities, and revise current liquor laws in British Columbia.

The changes include:

  • Brewers and distillers now can apply to have an on-site consumption area such as a lounge, tasting room or event area.
  • Small- and medium-sized liquor manufacturers will be allowed up to three common ownership and business relationships with licensed establishments located off their manufacturing site.
  • Rules around how liquor manufacturers can promote their products in bars and restaurants have been simplified by removing the requirement for a buy-sell agreement.
  • Distilled liquor products that consist of 100 per cent British Columbia agricultural raw materials and are distilled in B.C. by licensed distilleries are now eligible for mark-up exempt direct sales.
  • A honourary B.C. wine envoy will be named with a mandate to work to complement existing efforts to open up domestic markets for B.C. wines.
  • Wine stores will become licensees under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act.
  • The criteria on whether private liquor stores can relocate within one kilometre of an existing liquor store are now set out in regulation rather than policy.
  • All increases to liquor-primary capacity will now require local government input.
  • Allowing rural agency stores to purchase unlimited amounts of beer through their local government liquor store.

“These changes reflect the evolving nature of the liquor industry in British Columbia,” Coleman said.

“As time passes, so does the need to re-evaluate our laws and find ways to ensure we’re doing all we can to create an environment where liquor-related businesses can continue to succeed.”

Quick facts:

Over the past year, the Province has made changes to modernize liquor laws in B.C. including:

Liquor in theatres –

  • Provides flexibility to live-event venues and revises liquor laws for movie theatres.

Corkage – bring your own bottle –

  • Provides opportunities for restaurant customers that want to bring their own wine into a licensed dining establishment.

Personal importation of liquor into B.C. –

  • Allows B.C. residents to bring back an unlimited amount of 100 per cent Canadian wine if it is for personal consumption and purchased from a recognized winery in another province, or choose to have it shipped from the winery directly to their home. Also allows B.C. residents returning from another Canadian province to bring back on-their-person up to nine litres of wine, three litres of spirits, and a combined total of 25.6 litres of beer, cider or coolers for personal consumption.

Licensing of Caterers –

  • Allows caterers to apply for a liquor licence to help them fully meet the food and beverage needs of their clients – this supports industry and strengthens tourism appeal.

“We welcome these changes that the provincial government has announced,” said Mark James, Mark James Group, Owner, Red Truck Brewery.

“We have long-wanted the freedom to include our portfolio of B.C.-brewed, award-winning beer and premium spirits with those products of different suppliers in our liquor primary and food primary licensed establishments.

“We commend the government on this initiative and believe that, in concert with allowing breweries and distilleries to have onsite lounges or tasting rooms, the timing is perfect.”

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