
Local painters’ retreat at Mount Carlyle results in new art exhibition and sale

By Contributor
November 14th, 2012

Local artists Jenny Baillie, Brigitte Debois, Louise Drescher, Stephanie Gauvin and Mirja Vahala will be kicking off Rossland’s Rekindle the Spirit of Christmas Festival with their December art exhibition.


The exhibit of new paintings is based on the artists’ September saga of hiking to over 7000 feet within the Selkirk mountains for a painting bonanza. Blue skies, a full moon, golden backlit larches, rocky ‘scapes and towering crags were the inspiring views for their new works. The comfort of Brian Cross’s snug Mount Carlyle Lodge provided respite during their five-day trip. An amazing 52 studies were painted on location. A selection of these studies, plus larger works by each of the artists, is being displayed.


‘It was a unique experience where the we had the freedom to apply our personal perspective in an atmosphere absent of pressure,’ states Rossland artist Jenny Baillie.


‘It was with a comradely spirit that ideas were shared, doubts voiced, and encouragement and acceptance endowed’ she continues.

‘We definitely have a great new painter’s group,’ states Rossland artist Stephanie Gauvin, who spearheaded the paint-out. ‘We believe we can build on this and continue to show, through our paintings, the majesty of Canadian landscape, especially here in the West Kootenays. It is our intention to repeat this type of event.’

Please visit the artist’s websites to learn more about each artist.http://www.brigittedesbois.com; http://www.jennybaillieartworks.com; http://www.artiststephaniegauvin.com; http://www.louisedrescher.com; http://www.mirjavahala.com.

The Painters’ Retreat at Mount Carlyle Art Exhibition and Sale

opens next Friday, November 30, at the Rouge Gallery in Rossland, 630-930pm. The show itself runs from December 1 to December 31.



Categories: Arts and Culture

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