
UPGRADE UPDATE: Paving begins next week!

Jody Blomme
By Jody Blomme
September 19th, 2012

Sidewalk construction and concrete pouring is moving along; the new design is coming into form.  The plan this week is to proceed on the north side of Columbia Ave. from Spokane St. eastward when the south side is complete.  The weather forecast is perfect for laying cement so progress should continue successfully into next week. 

Sierra Landscaping will soon be preparing Columbia Ave for “softscaping”, although the exact timing is up to them.  The trees will likely start going in in the next two weeks.    

The preparation is being done this week for next week’s paving.  Traffic delays during the paving and single-lane alternating traffic along Columbia Ave is anticipated during this very important stage of construction.    

The intersection of First Ave. and Washington St. will be closed this week for tie-ins to existing storm and sanitary main lines.  The underground work on Washington St. should be complete by the end of this week. 

The Rossland Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Development Task Force and the Columbia Project Communications Task Force are working with members of the business community to plan a grand opening party and progressive marketing plan.  The date for the grand opening main event has been set at October 27.  We encourage local businesses and anyone who is interested to become involved in this exciting occasion.  If you would like to contribute your ideas, time and/or skills, please contact us at columbiaproject@rossland.ca or call Renee at the Rossland Chamber of Commerce at 250-362-5666.

Feel free to visit Mayor Granstrom on Mondays from 10:30-11:30am at City Hall.  To see graphics portraying the end-goal of this construction project, please take a look at the video display in the window of Rossland ProHardware, or watch them on the City of Rossland website at http://www.rossland.ca/columbiawashington-construction-updates. 

Please contact us at columbiaproject@rossland.ca with your comments, concerns, ideas, or questions.  The telephone number for technical questions and concerns is 250-362-2328. 

~Your Columbia Project Communication Task Force

Categories: General