
KCTS presents new website, new signage, and new membership services

By Contributor
September 8th, 2012

The Kootenay Columbia Trails Society (KCTS) is proud present its new website. The website rebuild has been made possible with the financial support of the Columbia Basin Trust, Nelson and District Credit Union and Tourism Rossland

New features of the website are two-fold. Firstly updated trail descriptions, new formats, including GPS files and printable PDF maps. Secondly it is now possible to sign-up or re-new memberships through a simple online process.

The importance of having members in the KCTS cannot be stated strongly enough. It has been critical in both in securing funders for the trail system and in actually funding the operations and insurance of the trails system. Your membership or donation will help to cover the costs of having an additional trail crew member, a summer student. For supporting the KCTS and its trail activities, members will receive a coupon book which can be picked up at Revolution Cycles, in Rossland.

Tourism Rossland and the Kootenay Columbia Trails Society (KCTS) are also pleased to announce the installation of the new kiosk signs at 4 locations in and around Rossland.  The kiosks are located at the following locations:

  • The Railgrade at Warfield
  • Railgrade at Gelez Roard
  • Centenial Trail
  • Columbia Kootenay

These kiosks are designed to provide location details to visitors and locals alike in keeping with the existing Tourism Rossland/KCTS maps.  The signs were also designed using the Tourism Oriented Directional Signage Manual which was created in 2008. 

Tourism Rossland would like to thank the Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiative Funding, as well as the Resort Municipality Initiative funding for cost sharing on this project. 

Stewart Spooner from the KCTS said that it is great to have these updated kiosks as they provide a valuable service to all of our different users. 

According to Deanne Steven, there are several more signs to be installed in the next few weeks which will provide more information on the internal trails within the City of Rossland. 

The Kootenay Columbia Trails Society is a registered non-profit society, based in Rossland BC, funded by and serving the communities of the Greater Trail region. We exist to manage, maintain, and develop a regional network of recreational trails for the variety of self-propelled trail users. These trails serve as a popular amenity for local residents, and as a significant draw for visitors. The Society is governed by a dedicated volunteer board, and operations are carried out by an experienced and passionate professional trails manager and trail crew. Most of our trails are located on private property, and public access is only made possible by the generous cooperation of the landowners, who enter into insured agreements with the Society.

Categories: GeneralSports