
UPGRADE UPDATE: curbs, swales, and banding!

Jody Blomme
By Jody Blomme
September 6th, 2012

Lots of concrete will be poured this week: curbs, swales, sidewalks and sidewalk banding.  Concrete work will be the primary work being done for the next two weeks. 

Washington St. water services are proceeding this week. Once the water is complete the sewer and storm will follow. The excavation for the sewer is very deep,13ft and is a significant underground project.  As a safety precaution, Copcan is asking that school children reroute to Spokane St. or Queen St. to get to and from school instead of Washington St.

Vandalism has taken place to the fresh concrete sidewalks. A few individuals have defaced our fresh new street by etching initials into the fresh concrete surface. This action is extremely disrespectful is very expensive to fix.  Further, dogs have been a problem running through wet concrete. Staff have been asked to take all actions that are available to them under the current dog bylaw.  Please take particular care that your dog does not run loose so we can protect our new community asset.

Mayor Granstrom will be holding weekly office hours, welcoming drop-in visits to him at Rossland City Hall from 10:30-11:30 every Monday.  Due to the September long weekend, his office hours will be held the following Tuesday. 

To see graphics portraying the end-goal of this construction project, please take a look at the video display in the window of Rossland ProHardware, or watch them on the City of Rossland website at http://www.rossland.ca/columbiawashington-construction-updates. 

Please contact us at columbiaproject@rossland.ca with your comments, concerns, ideas, or questions.  The telephone number for technical questions and concerns is 250-362-2328. 

~Your Columbia Project Communication Task Force

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