
Alcohol common denominator in NPD calls

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
August 27th, 2012

Alcohol continues to be the common denominator for Nelson City Police call during the past weekend.

Officers responded to a handful of calls where alcohol was involved, including two parties that cost owners fines of $150 for violation of noise bylaw.

Man falls suffers gash to head after fall on dock

Friday (August 24) Nelson Police responded, along with Nelson Fire Rescue and BC Ambulance to a call a man had fallen on the City wharf dock at the foot of Hall Street.

When emergency crews arrived they found a 50-year-old man passed out and not moving.

The man struck his head and was bleeding from a gash to his forehead.

When paramedics aroused the man and officers he was belligerent and uncooperative.

He was transported to Kootenay Lake Hospital where he continued to be in a non-cooperative state.

Once released from hospital, the man was escorted to NPD cells until sober.

Screaming man leads police to drunk female driver

Friday at 2:49 a.m., police responded to a drunk make screaming and yelling at the foot of High Street.

The person was seen getting into a vehicle, which left the area.

Police located the vehicle in question in the 500 block of Vernon street.

The driver, a 28-year-old woman, was asked to provide a breath sample.

The woman failed the roadside test and was issued a 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition.
The vehicle was impounded for 30 days.

The man causing the original disturbance was allowed to proceed.

Intoxicated pub patron spends night in NPD cells

Thursday (August 23) at 9:40 p.m. Nelson Police were called to a local pub after a man refused to leave the premises.

When NPD arrived the man was outside the drinking establisment.

A passing BC Ambulance stopped after observing the man staggering down the street.

The man immediately became involved in a confrontation with EMS crews, swearing at paramedics and officers.

The 49-year-old male was arrested for being drunk in a public place (under the Liquor Licensing Act) and transported to NPD cells where he was held until he was sober enough to take care of himself. 

The man was issued a Violation Ticket for Being Intoxicated in Public with a fine of $115 upon release.

Bears continue to be an issue in Nelson

Nelson Police ask the public to be on the lookout for bears in the Rosemont area after receiving several calls.

The bear has been seen in the 1100 block of McQuarrie Street near the pathway off Lakeview Crescent that leads to the tunnel under Highway 3A heading toward Railway Street.

Nelson Police advise residents to be careful walking city streets and not to leave garbage outside.

 If the bear is sighted, please call the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277 or the Nelson Police Department at 354-3919.

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