
36th annual All Breed Championship Dog Show August 17-19 in Castlegar

By Contributor
August 7th, 2012

It’s that time of year again and the West Kootenay Kennel Club is hosting it’s 36th Annual All Breed Championship Dog Show at the Castlegar Communicty Church Soccer Field (the old Kinnaird Middle School) from August 17 – 19.

In addition to six all-breed conformation shows, there will also be four obedience trials and four rally obedience trials.

There will be two Conformation shows each day starting at 8 a.m. and two obedence and rally trials on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Don’t forget to join us after Best In Show is presented on Saturday where we will once again host our famous “bring your own meat” BBQ where many wonderful raffle prizes and silent auction items will be given away.
Please come and join us to watch the dogs at their best, there is no charge for spectators, but please leave your pets at home where they will be comfortable from the weather.

Only dogs entered in the show are allowed on the grounds.
See you there, August 17-19th at the Castlegar Community Church Soccer Field.
For more information please email the West Kootenay Kennel Club at info@wkkc.ca


