
Skatepark rolls up to final design

Andrew Bennett
By Andrew Bennett
June 20th, 2012

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Robin Strachan of the RSA has just informed us that, in deference to the RSS meeting on Tuesday night, the skatepark design review meeting will be postponed. A new date and time has not yet been set. Strachan wrote, “We feel it is more important folks are able to attend [the RSS] meeting. We will provide an update on rescheduling when we can sort the logistics out. My apologies for the inconvenience.”]

We wrenched this tightly guarded image of the skatepark design out of the Rossland Skatepark Association’s (RSA) Robin Strachan. The RSA are otherwise “holding the design close” as the board takes a closer look and makes final suggestions before a public unveiling on June 26, 7 p.m. at the Miners’ Hall.

While Strachan advises that more changes will likely be made to the plan between now and then, designers from Spectrum Skateparks have submitted their “first concepts.”

Only seven weeks ago, Spectrum president Jim Barnum stood with Strachan on the southeast corner of the Emcon Lot as the two discussed the long public consultation process that has led the RSA to this point.

Six weeks ago, Strachan watched as Powder Pig’s Owen Williams donated time to dig test pits at the site while engineer Norm Deverney took notes for a geotechnical assessment.

Now the RSA board will huddle up to compare Spectrum’s initial design proposal with the survey results from the public consultation.

“We’re looking for alignment,” Strachan said. “We heard it loud and clear from the community that they want a good, flowy park that will work will for mixed uses. Not just skateboards, but also for mountain bikes, BMX’s, scooters, and whatever else.”

Referring to other skateparks in the region, Strachan said the RSA is striving to “build something unique.”

“The design also has to fit in with the landscape and the area,” Strachan added, thanking Hinterland Surveying & Geomatics Inc. for donating their time to survey the site and produce a “good topographic map of the area” on which the designers will overlay the skatepark plan. These images will be presented to the public at the June 26 meeting.

Laughing, Strachan said, “I’ve been pulling my hair out trying to pull this [meeting] together.”

He is juggling different ways to present the information, receive feedback, and—most critically—integrate that feedback into the final design. The RSA has to balance survey results, practical considerations, board input, and other public input.

“Who makes the final call?” Strachan asked. “Are we going to do a show of hands? Maybe there will be 10 people wanting this and 20 people wanting something different. It’s a question we haven’t quite wrapped our heads around yet.”

The RSA board will meet shortly to make the final decisions on the design to present to the public and choose the format the meeting will take.

Ultimately, Strachan clarified the intent of the public meeting is for the community to suggest “tweaks” and “minor changes” to the final design.

“We’ll present the general shape: a street section here, a bowl section here, combined in this fashion. What we want is input on the details: maybe a flat bar here, move the table top there. We’ll move those elements within the envelope we’ve already put together.”

Strachan also encouraged participation from “anyone who’s got constructive criticism or concerns, we hope they’re out there to provide their input into the design as well.”

After the design is finalized, Spectrum will assemble construction cost estimates: “How much concrete, fill, rebar, all those kinds of things in a fancy spreadsheet,” Strachan explained.

“Then we’ll be hitting local communities and businesses hard to fill those needs,” he said.

Strachan said the RSA are grateful for generous support they’ve already received. The design development phase was supported by $10,000 from Teck Metals, $5000 from the Rotary Club, and $2500 from Telus.

At the meeting on June 26, expect the RSA directors to speak briefly about the “sponsorship package” in which they will “detail how we’re going to recognize folks who can contribute to the cause, from the family level right up to corporate level and major donations.”

Strachan said, “We’re going to call on the community and local business to support our cause—that’s what will really pull it together for us.”

The “Rossland Skatepark Design Presentation and Review” will be held on Tuesday, June 26, at 7 p.m. at the Miners’ Hall.

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