Prevention of Violence Against Women Week
This week (April 15 -21) is set aside as Prevention of Violence Against Women Week” across B.C.
This week gives communities across the province the opportunity to join together and collectively focus attention on the issue of violence against women and children.
Education and raising awareness of the issue are steps we can take to prevent the violence that thousands of women and children in British Columbia experience in their lives.
The facts about violence against women are staggering. 51% of women in Canada will experience some form of abuse from a partner after the age of 16 years.
Perhaps even more shocking is the fact that one in five women was pregnant when the violence occurred. Every year, up to 360,000 children are exposed to domestic violence.
One in two women murdered, are murdered by a current or former partner each week in Canada.
Nelson Community Services Centre, Community based Victim Services through the Advocacy Centre (Nelson Cares) and Police based Victim Services have partnered to bring Jackson Katz to the community for two events May 9th and 10th.
Jackson Katz is internationally recognized for his groundbreaking work in gender violence prevention and education.
Sixty-one percent of adults in Canada say they personally know at least one woman who has experienced physical or sexual abuse.
There are services available for those who need them. Nelson Community Services Centre (NCSC) offers counseling for both women and children, and in addition, has a Women’s Outreach worker who offers practical support, accompaniment and resources to women within Nelson and the outlying area.
Aimee Beaulieu Transition House, another program of NCSC, offers safe shelter and support services for women and children 24/7.
Resources:Dauvergne, M., 2002 Homicide in Canada 2001, Juristat 22 (7) Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Justice Stats, Statistics Canada, The Violence Against Women Survey, The Daily, November 18th, 1993