
West Kootenay Calendar contest needs your photos

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 25th, 2012

It’s time to dig out the photographs for to submit to the upcoming 2013 West Kootenay Scenic Calendar.

The production of this calendar is intended as a promotional venture for our beautiful region.

There are three prizes for top photographers: one of $200 and two of $100 each.

Also, all photographers chosen for inclusion in the calendar will receive free calendars; six for full page photos, and three for pictures chosen for small spots (one or the other – not both, regardless of the number of photos used).

There will be media mentions of winning photographers, and a brief bio about each full-page photographer will be included in the calendar.

Photographs must be digital of excellent quality and high resolution to be blown up to 8’”x 10.5″ prints and should be submitted as email attachments or on CDs.

Please use your highest camera JPEG quality setting (low compressed .jpg or .tif or raw), with pixel dimensions of about 1600 pixels by 3000 pixels or above.

Please do not resize or alter your photos, if in doubt please send it to us anyway and we will check it out.

Smaller photos will be considered for thumbnail images. Photos should be horizontal, to best fill the page. Email your file as jpg, tif or psd.

As the calendar is intended to showcase the West Kootenays and be of interest to locals, visitors and people who have never been here, photos should be representative of the area.

Popular submissions include photos of some of the towns, plus other classic locations and activities, ie skiing/snowboarding, hiking, lake and river shots, wilderness and wildlife

. Beauty, dramatic backdrops, colour and interest is what we are after – photographs that make people think “What an amazing place!”, and that they will enjoy looking at for a full month.

Please limit submissions to the ten best photographs.

Email photos, complete with application, to westkootcal@gmail.com or drop off a CD at Otter Books at 398 Baker Street in Nelson.

Deadline of submissions is Monday, May 28, 2012.
