
WK Eco-Society sponsors info session on 'fracking'

March 12th, 2012

The Nelson Chapter of the Council of Canadians and the West-Kootenay EcoSociety are presenting an information session on the controversial issue of “fracking” on Thursday, March 22, World Water Day at 7 p.m., in the Seniors Branch 51, 717 Vernon Street (across from Extra Foods) in Nelson.

“Fracking” is a technique involving the injection of millions of litres of water and thousands of litres of unidentified chemicals underground at very high pressure creating fractures in the underlying shale rock formations to extract the natural gas below the surface.

Join Dan Woynillowicz of the Pembina Institute for a provocative presentation that will explore the climate change and water impacts of shale gas development in BC.

Both the issues and solutions facing British Columbians will be discussed.

Woynillowicz  joined the Pembina Institute in 2001 as a policy analyst, and is now the Director of Strategy & Communications. 

For further information go to http://canadians.org/water/issues/fracking/index.html

For more information contact  Sandra Nelken at (250)-352-5274.
