
'Chicken Day' comes to Vallican Whole Community Centre

By Contributor
February 21st, 2012

After a successful first year operating the area’s only licensed poultry abattoir, owner Judi Morton is beginning the new season with an educational event called  “Chicken Day”.

The event will be held Saturday, March 10th at the Vallican Whole Community Centre and will feature an introductory session for beginners as well as sessions for experienced poultry producers and planning for group orders of chicks and feed.

“We have a great crew who take pride in our convenient and humane service,” said Morton, expecting a busy second season for her abattoir.

“We have updated our website with tips for commercial producers and back-yard hobbyists alike (www.passmorepluckers.ca).”

The site also has the schedule, booking instructions and prices.

Morton said locally‐raised poultry is popular and profitable and hopes the abattoir will support growth of sustainable farming in the area.

Chicken that has been processed in a licenced facility can be sold legally to a wholesaler or direct to retailers, restaurants or consumers.

Every bird in Morton’s abattoir is examined by a Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspector.

“Our CFIA inspector was really impressed with the quality of poultry raised in this area,” Morton said.

The abattoir is located in the Slocan Valley so poultry travel less than two hours from anywhere in the West Kootenay.

Considerate treatment of the birds is important for Morton.

“Short travel distances are best for the birds,” she explained.

“Most go from the producer’s farm to the customer’s fridge or freezer in the same day. We help producers plan their delivery to get the optimum value from the birds and create a safe delicious product.”

Chicken Day will be held at the Vallican Whole 9 a.m 3 p.m. on Saturday March 10th. Admission by donation.

For directions see www.vallicanwhole.com
