
NPD officer pushed to limit by violent Fairview woman

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
January 25th, 2012

For the second time in as many days, Nelson Police responded to a call in the Fairview district of the Heritage City.

At 4:48 p.m. Friday, a Nelson Police officer responded to a suspicious circumstances incident at a residence in the Fairview area of Nelson.

Police attended and determined the incident was primarily a family dispute involving damage to property and the trashing of the residence.

While investigating, a female involved who had fled the scene prior to police’s arrival returned to the residence in a violent rage, driving a vehicle wildly over sidewalks and curbs, apparently attempting to strike another occupant of the residence, and ultimately colliding and damaging two other vehicles parked at the residence.

Once the vehicle she was driving became disabled the lone police officer approached the female who was now further enraged and directing her wrath at the officer, screaming that she was going to kill him.

The officer attempted to restrain the woman however she lashed out at the officer punching him and grabbing at his equipment belt.

The officer restrained the female until another officer arrived on the scene and assisted in taking her into custody.

Fortunately only superficial injuries were suffered by the female and the officer.

The 26-year-old female was taken to hospital under the Mental Health Act for evaluation where she remains under doctor’s care.

The total damage to property/vehicles caused by the female during this rampage has not yet been determined.

Charges related to the incident are forthcoming, including Dangerous Driving.

Vehicle collides with BOB guardrail

Saturday at 11 p.m., Nelson Police were called to the north end of the Big Orange Bridge regarding a single vehicle collision. 

Witnesses reported following a vehicle south on Hwy 3A onto the bridge deck where it drove off the roadway, across the sidewalk and then collided with the bridge guardrail. 

Police attended and quickly discovered that the driver was intoxicated by alcohol. 

He was arrested and processed for Impaired Driving however the driver subsequently refused to take a breath test.

Due to his severe intoxication the driver was held in police custody.  He has subsequently been charged with Refusing a Breath Sample and received a 90 day driving prohibition.

Fortunately the driver did not suffer any injuries in the incident although his vehicle is un-drivable.  He did however cause fairly substantial damage to the bridge guardrail. 
The 29-year-old driver, a Nelson resident, is scheduled to appear in Nelson Provincial court on April 3.

Categories: Crime

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