Council's committee appointments are announced
Mayor Greg Granstrom’s choices for council’s committee appointments were unanimously supported at Monday’s regular meeting.
The mayor will retain his position with the Heritage Commission and Public Safety. He will also continue to work with the LCI (Lower Columbia Initiative), where the mayor is a voting board member—all other council member appointments are to non-voting positions.
The mayor and newly elected Coun. Cary Fisher will serve on the Sustainability Commission with Coun. Kathy Moore serving as an alternate.
Coun. Kathy Moore will serve on the LCCDT (Lower Columbia Community Development Team).
Coun. Kathy Wallace will continue her work as Rossland’s representative on the RDKB (Regional District of Kootenay Boundary), with the mayor serving as an alternate.
Coun. Jill Spearn will continue in her capacity as the city’s representative on education issues, and will also take on the downtown streetscape portfolio. Following the mayor’s announcement (LINK) that the downtown renovation grants had been turned down, Spearn commented, “We’ll just have to buy flowers, no fancy stuff!”
Newly elected Coun. Jody Blomme will serve on the Chamber of Commerce, with newly elected Coun. Tim Thatcher as the alternate.
Thatcher has been assigned to the Historical Museum, and the mayor attends these meetings also due to his personal involvement with the society and the ongoing negotiations with Teck to reopen the mining adit for tours.