
Occupy Nelson delivers accolades for a 'job well done'

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
December 7th, 2011

To the Editor:

We of Occupy Nelson would like to thank the City of Nelson, the Nelson City Police and the helpful folks on City Council for assisting us with dismantling the physical Occupation in front of City Hall.

We would like to thank the incredibly helpful (and ever-thoughtful) City manager for waiting until our most vulnerable members were off site filling their bellies at a soup kitchen before giving the go-ahead for the take-down crew to begin disassembling the Occupation site.

Our campers have had a long and stressful seven weeks on-site and the thought that Kevin Cormack was so considerate as to not want them doing any of the heavy lifting warms our hearts. Our campers deserve a rest, and we thank you for your consideration, Kevin.

We would like to single out someone for special thanks: the man who has helped us every step of the way, who shook our hands and told us explicitly that we had every right to Occupy the front lawn of City Hall.

This man is the newly re-elected Mayor of Nelson, Mr. John Dooley. Without his authorization and approval for the assistance in breaking down the camp, Nelson would likely have been the last city in Canada, if not the world to have a physical Occupation camp.

With such a stalwart leader at the helm, we of Occupy Nelson can’t wait to see the bright and shining future John steers the City of Nelson towards. We look forward to working with John on all of his plans, his hopes, and his dreams for the City in his new term as Mayor. Every. Last. One.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank those members of the community who have not supported us, have not showed up on site, or who have actively spoken out against us.

Your dedication to the protection of your Charter-given rights is astounding and will ensure your ability to voice your opinion without fear for many years to come.

To those who hurled insults at us from the comfort of their vehicles, we thank you the most. Without your brave, strident voices raised in such rousing (and original) choruses as “Occupy a shower!” or “Get a Job!” we likely wouldn’t have been able to tell for sure that we were on the right path by Occupying Nelson.

Some of you might be wondering what happens now that there is no physical occupation at City Hall. Things will remain largely the same for Nelson. We will continue our nightly meetings at 6 p.m. in front of City Hall.

We also intend to have more regular indoor meetings for those who cannot brave the harsh elements in front of City Hall. We also plan to have regular rallies and demonstrations to highlight some of the more wonderful aspects of the city of Nelson, our fantastic nation, and the world at large.

And as always, we will be here helping our friends John Dooley, City council, and the upper management of the City of Nelson in every stage of planning, executing, and enjoying all of their plans, hopes and dreams for the future.

Submitted by,

Occupy Nelson

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