Candidate Questions 5: How important is the Active Transportation Plan to you?
This one may seem like a no-brainer for anyone hoping to get elected in this town, but it’s still worth knowing where candidates stand on the issue and what they’d like to see happen on a practical basis: “The Active Transportation Plan encourages non-motorized transport in and around town. How important is Rossland’s trail system to you and how will you try to improve it?”
KATHY MOORE: I love this plan! Stu Spooner did a great job mapping out potential urban trails and costing out the work for creating them. The city has been trying to build 1-3 trails per year to increase the connectivity in town. Grants are actively pursued and money is budgeted when we can afford it. I hear from citizens all the time about how much they use the new trails and how often they are inclined to leave their car at home. This is great!
JODY BLOMME: I think the trail system is great, I use it regularly. The trails are a definite asset to this town and definitely help bring in tourist dollars. If by improving, you mean building more trails, I think that yes, this can be considered, but, of course, cost is always also a big consideration. If it came down to increasing property taxes to fit in the ability to give money to build more trails, well, then that year it would not be a priority to get new ones and the ones we have now would just have to be maintained. In the grand scheme of things, yes, the trails are very important to Rossland.
LAURIE CHARLTON: The trail network throughout the City is a great addition to the amenities of Rossland. The trail system can be improved by continuing to create trails in the areas identified in the Active Transportation Plan. The trails must be maintained to ensure continued good access so they should be constructed in a way that allows easy and low cost maintenance.
DAVID KLEIN: I am avid mountain biker and bike commuter so trails will be high on my list of things to expand and improve upon.
KATHY WALLACE: Personally, I use the trails regularly – they’re my exercise routine. They are a piece of why Rossland is a great place to live. I will continue to support building more trails as identified in the community’s “Transportation Action Plan”.
SHARON WIEDER: The recent city trail system expansion is awesome and the current trail plan should continue to be completed.
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