
Police to get local radio-show hosts drunk on air

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
December 21st, 2010

Castlegar residents are getting early gifts of Christmas cheer and important information tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, as infamous radio-show hosts ‘Drex & Johnson’ take one for the team by getting drunk on air, under the watchful eye of police.

“I’m doing it for the people,” says Shaun Johnson, who will be indulging in beer …for the greater good. “I’m sacrificing myself for science … so our wonderful listeners will have a better sense of what their limits might be and where to draw the line when celebrating this season.”

The purpose of the on-air experiment is for the police to administer periodic breathalyzer tests, giving listeners a better sense of what ‘impaired’ looks (or sounds) like, and how quickly one can reach a state of inebriation that would make driving a criminal offense.

“I think, especially with the new penalties, that there’s a lot of confusion out there about what ‘impaired’ is,” says RCMP West Kootenay Traffic Services Cpl. John Ferguson. “So we’re looking for creative ways to educate the public and create awareness around this issue. We want people to know you can still go out and have a drink without being worried – the limits haven’t changed, just the penalties.

“We want everyone to have a safe and happy holiday.”

Johnson says he agrees, but adds there’s no reason promoting a good cause can’t also be fun for listeners … although he says it’s just another day at work for him

“This isn’t about fun, it’s about helping people,” he says. “But with a little verbal lubrication at such an early hour, I’d assume hilarity will ensue.”

Joining the dynamic duo to provide a female perspective on impairment will be Mountain FM senior account executive Marcella Chernoff – Chernoff will be imbibing red wine, Drex will knock back a little rum, and Johnson will, as mentioned, be enjoying a brewski or two. Or three.

Providing the alcohol, and pizza to ensure the three guinea pigs have food in their stomachs and thus don’t get ill, will be Florio Vassilakakis of the Element Club Bar and Grill.

Drex says Vassilakakis is sponsoring the unusual event as a local business owner with a high-than-average investment in seeing people drink responsibly this holiday season.

Drex seems unsure the morning will be as amusing as many hope – he says Johnson may not be a scintillating wit when under the influence.

“His eyes close halfway, and he just sits there, giggling …and no one knows what he’s laughing at.”

All three participants will, of course, be required to hand over their car keys at the morning’s outset, with alternate transportation arrangements made in advance.

Tune in to Mountain FM at 7:30 a.m. or visit www.mountainfm.net and, obviously, check in with The Source later in the day for a comprehensive recap of what may be one of the strangest public service events Castlegar has ever seen.





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