
December 4th "Fun"draiser aims to capitalize on ski bum chums and theatre lovers’

Tyler Austin Bradley
By Tyler Austin Bradley
November 24th, 2010

After the successful debut and local area tour of Iron Mountain Theatre’s original musical production “White Star Lady,” IMT is preparing to enter the pre-production and rehearsal phase of its”destined-for-greatness” musical “Ski Bum: The Musical.”
Yes ladies and gentlemen, a musical imagined, written, and produced locally, a ribald, tongue-in-cheek check-valve for mountain town ski cultures the world over. You will laugh, you will cry, you may even sing along… though probably not the first time you see it- these are all original songs.
“Fourteen original songs,” Nadine  Tremblay explains.
In the name of transparency in journalism here folks I should note that I also came up with the original concept, and co-wrote the script with IMT’s Mark Pollard.  
Tremblay, responsible for taking some very loose ideas and melodies for songs and turning them into actual show-tunes, adds that, “The numbers are all different genres. Traditional musical theatre, hip-hop, gospel, rock-opera; Ski Bum has it all.”
“We tried to write (Ski Bum: The Musical) with ski bums, skiers of all types, and theatre enthusiasts in mind,” Tremblay continues. “It was tricky, but I think the script is really strong.”
You bet your assorted cast members it is. I’m strutting while I write this but before the show ever gets up on its feet, there are costs that IMT needs to cover. In addition to building set pieces that include a lightweight, portable chairlift (just the chair itself, no towers or bullwheel necessary), costumes, the recording of backing tracks with live musicians (no live orchestra on the road), mixing and mastering said music, payment of admittedly grossly underpaid writers, payment for professional direction (Vancouver based theatre and musical theatre director Shane Snow, whose name would suggest he was made for this show), promotion, travel, and so on.
“We were very fortunate to receive major project funding from the Columbia Basin Trust,” Tremblay stated, “but we have expenses that go well above and beyond what those finances can cover. That’s where the “FUN”draiser comes in.”
While IMT will not yet be performing any tunes from Ski Bum, local favourites The Tuques will be coming out to The Flying Steamshovel to provide live entertainment for the Saturday, December 4th event.
“$15 gets you a burger and a beer between six and nine” Tremblay noted, dishing out the perogies and brussel sprouts that lured me over in the first place. “The Tuques will be taking to the stage a little bit after nine.” 
With Ski Bum: The Musical dates set for Rossland (three nights at the Miner’s Hall come January), The Capitol in Nelson (two nights), The Spirit Festival in Revelstoke, Golden’s Civic Centre, and Kaslo, Fernie, Cranbrook and Invermere in the works, it is clear the appeal of the show in name alone is helping pave the way… But layin’ a bit of green on the otherwise yellow-brick road would go an awful long way.
“Everyone’s support has been so helpful, the CBT, Tourism Rossland, our board, Lonesheep Publishing, friends and family, (The Tuques), the writers, all of their effort is so appreciated,” Tremblay asserted, concluding “If people can’t make it out to the event but still want to help us on our way with Ski Bum, they can make a donation on our website, too.”  
If you can make it out, though, come out and support local, independent theatre and the pre-production phase of Ski Bum: The Musical (greatest show ever, for serious) Saturday, December 4th at the Flying Steamshovel. The cast, The Tuques, the Shovel wait-staff, bartenders and doormen would love to see you there, and you can say you knew them all before they made it big.

Categories: Arts and Culture

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