

November 1st, 2010

The Kootenay Literary Competition Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the 2010 Annual Kootenay Literary Competition. This popular annual writing event, sponsored this year by the Nelson and District Arts Council, is open to all writers in the Kootenay region and has been expanded this year to include a new category and additional cash prizes.

2010’s five competition categories include the following:

  1. Short Fiction

  2. Creative Non-Fiction

  3. Poetry – Sequence of Poems or Linked Poems

  4. Youth – Submitted work in either Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction or Poetry (for writers aged 13-18)

  5. (New!) Emerging Writer – Submitted work in either Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction or Poetry (for adult writers previously unpublished in any format)


First prize for each of the first three categories is $200.00; second prizes are $100.00 each. The last two categories (Youth and Emerging Writer) each have a first prize of $100 and a second prize of $50. The 2010 prize monies total $1,200, and the competition is open to all Kootenay area residents. Not all prizes may be won in all categories.

Competition Details

The theme of the competition this year is Isolation.

The 2010 Entry Fees are as follows:

  • $30.00 for each submission in the Short Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Poetry and Emerging Writer Categories ($20.00 for NDAC members)

  • $20.00 for each submission in the Youth Category



Maximum 5,000 words any of the categories. Submissions should be double-spaced and submitted in standard competition form: Author’s name, title of the work, category, word count, and your contact information on the cover page only. Put the title and page numbers in the top right hand corner on the subsequent pages with no other identifying information.


You may submit in more than one category but each submission must be accompanied by a separate application form and entry fee. If The Kootenay Literary Competition does not receive five entries per category, the jurors reserve the right not to award a prize in that category.


All submissions must be received via regular mail to the Arts Council’s PO Box (PO Box 422, Nelson, BC V1L 5R2) or electronically submitted to the KLC email kootenaylitcomp@gmail.com no later than 5:00pm on December 15th, 2010.


Each competition submission must include an application form and an entry fee. If a competition submission is submitted electronically, the application form and entry fee must still be sent via regular mail to the Arts Council’s PO Box and received by the above noted deadline. Application forms and entry fees cannot be submitted via email.


For complete information on the competition, application forms, entry fees and how to submit your work, visit the KLC’s website www.kootenaylitcomp.webs.com, email kootenaylitcomp@gmail.com or contact KLC Committee Members Deborah (250-825-9915) or Kathy (250-352-1956).


Winners in each of the categories will be announced during the KLC Awards Ceremony and Celebration in January; date and location to be announced. 


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