
PROFILE: Brad Causey; a Rosslander fighting his way to the top of his game

Rossland Telegraph
By Rossland Telegraph
September 21st, 2010

Over the years Rossland has produced an impressive list of athletes that have gone on to make a name for themselves in their respective sports.While skiing, hockey and mountain biking tend to lay claim to the most popular local athletes, there has been a whole league of under the radar men and women coming out of the Golden City working their way to the top in their respective sports.

Recently, with the meteoric rise that mixed martial arts has been enjoying a new athlete has emerged from Rossland’s talent base that has literally been fighting his way to the top in a sport that is controversial to many, but a way of life to many others.


The Kaslo based website MMAmadhouse.com recently caught up with Rossland’s own Brad Causey to interview the up and coming fighter.


Reprinted with permission from www.mmamadhouse.com 


Carl Mortensen wrote:


I have been a huge fan of Brad Causey since the first time I watched him fight back in April 2007 at GFC Helter Smelter. I’ve been lucky enough to watch six of Brad’s fights live over the years and every time I’ve seen him fight he’s impressed me more. You can tell when watching Brad fight that he has the warrior spirit with-in, or shall I say the Divine Wind.


Brad was born in Trail, BC Canada on March 18, 1981 and was raised in Rossland, BC. The early years of the UFC peaked Brad’s interest in MMA. He began training at Glen Kalesniko’’s Pride Gym in Trail, BC at the age of 25 and has managed to build an impressive record of eight wins and one loss with seven (t)ko’s and one submission. His one and only loss was back in January 2008 when he was caught in an armbar by Brian Grimshaw (6-1).


Brad has two fights coming up in the next few weeks. He’ll be fighting in the main event of Caged Rage 4 Lockdown on October 2nd at the Element in Castlegar, BC against Adam Thomas 6-8 (AIKI, CHILLIWACK, BC) and again on November sixth at AFC 4 on Vancouver Island.



Lets get to know BRAD CAUSEY



Madhouse- Hello Brad, please tell the MMAmadhouse readers and your fans what your goals are in relation to MMA?


My goals in MMA are to become the best fighter that I can possibly become, to continue fighting in this sport until I can no longer physically do it anymore.



What does Brad Causey do for fun?


Brad doesn’t have fun, I’m boring as s*$%t. I used to play poker, but I lost too much money. I love hanging out with my daughter and girlfriend. Anything I can do with them makes my day.



Are you currently working and where?


Yes, currently I am working at Teck Metals LTD.


What motivates you as a fighter?


My motivations for fighting are the people who surround me, and my fans, well what little fans I have anyways. I don’t want to let them down.



Who is your favorite fighter and why?


I’m sure many people will say this but GSP (George St. Pierre) for sure. He is the total package. I admire everything about the man, his demeanor in and out of the ring, his ability, and especially his work ethic.


Where are do you train and with who?


I train out of the Pride gym in Trail BC, and we have a great core group of about 8 guys. Love them all, great people, great sparring partners.


If you had a fight tomorrow night what would you choose for a walk-out song?


My favorite walkout song is ”Say My Name” by Eminem and Xzibit.


Your number one holiday destination would be?


I would love to go to Brazil or Thailand.



What’s the best advice you could give a youngster with dreams of being a MMA fighter?


The best advice I can think of to give a young fighter would be that this sport takes 100% dedication and if you want to make it to the UFC, you have to give yourself 100% to it. You have to walk the line and always stay focused. This sport will test your heart, push your body to the limits. The training is brutal, long and gruesome, but believe me when I say that there is no better feeling in the world then having your hand raised in victory and realizing that all your hard work was worth it.


Thanks for the time Brad, Please feel free to thank anyone you’d like.


I thank my girlfriend and five year old daughter for putting up with me during fight training. I know I am gone a lot and they miss me very much. I wouldn’t be able to make it through without them. They are awesome.



What people are saying about BRAD CAUSEY


Glen Kalesniko (Owner and trainer at the Pride Gym) “I say he punches hard , also when Brad trains he trains very hard. He is like the captain of the Pride Gym Team he leads the way and everyone tries to keep up! Great example for the young fighters on how to do it.”


Cody McKenzie (MMA Fighter & TUF 12 Contestant) “Brad Causey is an amazing fighter works as hard as anyone in the game, and has been a great training partner for me everytime we have worked together. He is one of the nicest fighters I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He is a great guy and great fighter”


Gavin Neil (MMA Fighter) “he’s explosive as hell and strong”


River Jones (MMA Fighter) “As a fighter, Causey is a force. He’s explosive and powerful and unpredictable. But Causey is also a great guy.


I think every gym has that one guy whose presence helps motivate others. Whose own hard work and grit makes everyone push themselves a little harder, and Brad is definitely that guy at Pride.

Brad is also that person, who in seeing someone stressing out and getting anxious before a fight, is the one talking to him, reminding him to breathe and bringing him down from that ledge of fear.


Also, I remember a few years ago at AM Ford Fight Night one of our fighters took the loss of his first fight really hard so Brad went and found him and sat with him and talked him through the experience. Brad is headlining a card and has his own process to go through and all this pressure and expectations on him, but he puts it all aside in order to support his teammate through a rough experience. But that’s just how Brad is.


He’s the most humble and goofy guy in the gym. He has seven knockouts yet you would never know it in talking to him because all he talks about is where he needs to improve. I respect that because I think he sets the tone in our gym where there is no room for ego.”


Mathew Oliver (MMA Fighter) “His dedicated to this sport, his is very helpful to others when it comes to training.”


Nathan Johre (MMA Fighter) “Well he’s definitely one of the strongest fighters I’ve ever grappled with for sure. He’s really modest and a great sparring partner! He’s got heavy hands but he’s very controlled when he’s in the ring with another team-mate. Can’t wait to see him fight in the element!”


Jordan Knippelberg (MMA Fighter) “Great fighter, tremendous heart, heavy hands, great guy to train with and overall great guy”


Willy Buckley (MMA Fighter) “Brad is a very skilled fighter, when it is time for him to train for a fight you know that Brad Kama Causey is in the house. He is a super guy if you need a hand in MMA he is always there to help you out if you ask him.”

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