
Get your grind on this Golden City Days

Andrew Zwicker
By Andrew Zwicker
September 1st, 2010

Rossland runners take note: a nearly three decade-old tradition will be returning to the Golden City Days schedule this year, one that will allow young and old to duel it out on the trails. Whether you’re up for a 1km sprint with the kids, a 5 kilometre jog or an all out 10k hustle, the Golden City Grind has got something for the growing trail running crowd in town.

  Its absence last year was noticed by a couple of Rossland friends wanting to race. Earlier this summer, when out running the trails together, they decided they’d take it on themselves to bring back a long-standing tradition.   “The Grind has been going since the early 1980s,” explained co-organizer Tammie Gibson. “Libby Martin in town was the one who originally got this up and going. From there on it went pretty steady, but last year, for whatever reason, it didn’t happen. Shelley Ackerman from the Alpine Grind and I were out for a run one morning, and we decided we should get together and get it going again. I wanted to run it last year, and I was really disappointed when the Golden City Days flyer came out. I was like, ‘what the heck? Where is it?’ So that’s why we took it on: to make sure it keeps happening each year.”   So Rossland’s soon-to-be-newest Nordic/running apparel shop owner, along with co-owner of The Alpine Grind, have rallied a group of sponsors and prizes and are stoked to see the classic race return.   Starting at the Centennial trailhead, the kid’s 1k loop will run out through the tunnel, up the hill beside the water treatment plant and loop back again. For adults, the 5k loop also starts at the Centennial Trailhead, runs through the tunnel, into the real grind of the course (up the switchbacks of Curly’s), down Moe’s trail and back along Centennial. If you’re up for the 10km ordeal, you can add in an extra loop from the end of Moe’s, past the Rock Cut Pub, along the new trail extension through Caldera, and back along the Red Mountain Road to the Centennial Trailhead.   Each race will be run as a mass start, so getting into position before hitting the narrower stooge’s trails will be essential to the winning runner. If you do get stuck behind the pack on the skinnier trails, the wide open Centennial should provide all the passing space needed for the runner with a finishing kick left in them.   Kids will take home chocolate gold medals while the winner will hopefully take home an as-of-now missing trophy from the original race.   “We’re trying to track down the old trophy,” added Gibson “We’d like to engrave the winners on it and display the trophy in our new store.”   Gibson and her husband Dave will soon be opening up the new Kootenay Nordic Sports in the former law office space of the Bank of Montreal building which will also host running and sports gear.   Their connection to the Nordic sports world was part of their attraction in getting involved in the race. All of the money raised through this event will be donated to Black Jack’s Junior Racer program.   To get your grind on, stop by Centennial Trail during Golden City Days on Sunday September 12th at 9:00am for registration. The race kicks off at 10:00am. Entry fees are $10 for adults and $5 for kids.  Contact info@kootenaynordicsports.com , or alpinegrindcoffee@telus.net for more information.

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