
Watch out taste buds, Taste of Rossland is back!

By Contributor
August 31st, 2010

The Rossland Chamber of Commerce is proud to present Taste of Rossland, back for another year of eating, drinking and mingling.  This year’s event coincides with the annual three-day Golden City Days.

Taste of Rossland will take place at the Ross Thompson Ballroom, at the Prestige Mountain Resort on September 12th, from 1-5pm.  The room has been graciously donated by Gabriella Pelli-Lapointe.

Local restaurants, pubs, and bakers have been invited to participate in this annual event, showcasing delicious bites or “tastings” from their menu. 

“Taste is a really fun event,” explains Renee Clark of the Rossland Chamber of Commerce.  “People buy a handful of tickets for food, walk around the room and “browse” menus.   It’s a unique way to sample from a menu or in this case many menus!”

Most items will be from $1-$4 per “taste”.  Regional wines and local beers, and a selection of non-alcoholic beverages will also be served.  The event is a family friendly and there is no admission.

“I encourage people get there early, as last year was so popular that some vendors ran out of food,” explains Clark. 

Categories: Arts and Culture