
Bring back the Old Firehall???

Diana Daghofer
By Diana Daghofer
July 19th, 2010

After lots of talk about it, I finally started a Facebook Group to Bring Back the Old Firehall. Why? Well, we all miss it! We may not have realized what we had at the time, but Rossland isn’t the same without its stellar music and wine venue! 

What will creating a group do to bring it back? It might demonstrate to potential buyers that there is a loyal following here. It would provide a forum to continue the talk I heard on closing night about running it as a co-op, or propose other ideas (like the brew pub someone just suggested). And, of course, misery loves company, so if nothing else, we can all cry the blues together.
It would be time-consuming for me to enter all your email addresses in, so please go to my profile page, click on the Old Firehall group and join:http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=588390096. If that doesn’t work, you can just do a search under ‘groups’ for “Let’s Bring Back the Old Firehall”. What have we got to lose? And spread this message around! Let’s see how many members we can get. Thanks!

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