
Seniors' alert! Local housing forum needs your input

By Contributor
November 13th, 2009

Do we need more seniors housing in Greater Trail and surrounding communities? If so, what kind of housing is needed and what is an affordable price? These are amongst the questions that are being asked by the Greater Trail Abbeyfield Society as it undertakes a feasibility study on developing additional affordable seniors housing units in Trail.

The Board of the Abbeyfield Greater Trail Society committed to taking on this study after it was determined in the Spring of 2008 that turning the Teck Cominco General Managers’ house into an Abbeyfield House for seniors was not feasible.
With the support of the Canada Mortgage And Housing Corporation, the Society has been able to contract with Alice Sundberg and Kate Mancer, two consultants who have extensive experience with non-profit housing and housing needs assessment throughout the province.

To gather information, the consultants will be interviewing individuals who are familiar with seniors and their housing needs as well as taking a careful look at demographics and other information about local housing supply.
In addition, they want to hear from anyone in the community interested in the topic whether you are senior yourself, concerned about elderly parents or looking ahead to when you will be a senior. They will be running 3 focus groups in late November and have also created a short questionnaire to capture feedback from those who cannot or who are unlikely to make it to the group meetings.
Attached is a copy of flyer about the focus groups scheduled for November 21st, 22nd and 23rd as well as copy of the questionnaire mentioned above.

Please help us out by coming to the focus group and/or completing and returning the attached questionnaire as well as passing the message onto to anyone else you think might be interested.

Jan Morton, President
Abbeyfield Greater Trail Society

Focus group times and locations:

Saturday, November 21
10:00 a.m.
Gateway Christian Life Centre
8320 Highway 3B, Trail

Sunday, November 22
1:00 p.m.
Fruitvale Community Hall
Hwy 3B, Fruitvale

Monday, November 23
7:00 p.m.
Warfield Hall
900 Schofield Hwy, Warfield


For more information, contact Janet Morton.
