
Monday Night Meeting - Economy

By joanne
November 6th, 2009

It seems to me that everytime I read about our community, it is the same thing over and over. As brought out in this recent meeting, there are people who want to keep Rossland a “secret.” They say what a wonderful place it is to raise a family, and so it is. Now ask yourelf this question. Once your children have grown, left Rossland to attend a higher education facility and would like to move back; where on earth are they going to WORK? We need to look to the future. Do you want to become a ghost town? Take off your blinders, there is nothing to say we still could not keep our wonderful surroundings by moving forward. What is wrong with growing our community to the size of Nelson. Invite companies to relocate – offer them an incentive to move here. Sell what we have to offer so that our familes will not suffer from lack of employment. Teck Cominco, hospitals and schools cannot supply everyone with employment.

The golf course and the ski slopes are not going to sustain Rossland. Look beyond those two.

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