

You decide: Does social media make us lonely?

According to a recent IPSOS poll “nearly one-half of online Canadians (45%) are now visiting a social networking site at least once a week, and 30% visit daily”; source:  http://www.ipsos-na.com/news-polls/pressrelease.aspx?id=5286. But what is regular use of social media doing for us? Are we more connected and thus happier? ...

Kimberley couple in Calgary hospital after grizzly bear attack

Two experienced hikers are lucky to be alive after being attack by a female grizzly bear near Kimberley Sunday. The man and woman are in a Calgary hospital after the attack. Media reports saidy conservation officers speculate the couple, out for a walk, stumbled on the mother grizzly and cubs near a deer kill next to a creek....

The eye of the needle

In Mark's gospel we hear the story of a rich man catching up with Jesus.  “I’ve lived faithfully and followed the commandments,” he says. “What more must I do to inherit eternal life?” On hearing Jesus' prescription (give away everything to the poor and follow me) he leaves in despair. He cannot untangle himself from the...

COMMENT: Peace is practical

Early last November I had the privilege of attending a public forum in Ottawa organized by the Canadian Peace Initiative.  The forum took place on a Friday evening featuring Professor Ian McKay of Queens University as a keynote speaker.  Professor McKay, author of Warrior Nation: Rebuilding Canada in an Age of Anxiety, talked...

Lemon Creek Archaeology Field School ready for summer 2013

Offering evidence of a First Nation community dating back to 1000 B.C., a site located at Slocan Narrows near Lemon Creek has been the focus of intense archeological research for more than a decade. For the last four years it has also served as the location for an innovative archeological field school. Co-Directed by Hamilton […]

OPINION: Canada needs quality First Nation leaders in Parliament

By: Mischa Popoff, Policy Advisor for The Heartland Institute, Research Associate for The Frontier Centre for Public Policy Getting kicked off a flight for being inebriated must’ve been troubling for New Democrat MP Romeo Saganash. But it was even more troubling for me. Put aside for the moment the fact that Saganash is a...

Announcing the new Kootenay DigiTech Awards

Kootenay Business magazine is looking for the best in all things digital. Introducing the Kootenay DigiTech Awards! Win a SAMSUNG tablet compliments of Staples! Here's your opportunity to nominate your favourite Kootenay websites, along with social and digital media sites. Kootenay Business is pleased to recognize the best ...

Take part in provincial consultations on the Columbia River Treaty

Residents will have another chance to talk to the Province about the future of the Columbia River Treaty in November. The Columbia River Treaty (CRT) Local Governments’ Committee encourages Basin residents to attend the consultation workshop in Trail on Wednesday, November 28. Workshops are also being held in Jaffray, Valemount,...

Rossland councillor wants improvements to rural emergency health services in the region

Coun. Kathy Wallace took a moment at the Oct. 22 regular council meeting in Rossland to reflect on "definite problems" that exist in rural health care, problems she identified as "another symptom in our province of small, rural areas not fitting the grid pattern of larger urban areas." Wallace is Rossland's appointed director...

Interior Health partners with local governments to build healthier communities

Imagine living in a community where you can walk or ride your bike safely, where the air is fresh and clean, and where healthy food and opportunities for physical activity are easily accessible and affordable for all. Through the Healthy Communities Initiative, Interior Health aims to make this vision a reality.                    ...

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